Part 15

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Dani POV

"God, I've missed you..." I breathed out as Santana's lips made their way down my neck. We were now in her car because the hour of tension between us while I finished up was just too unbearable apparently. She responded with roaming hands until finally pulling my thigh to swing over her until I was straddling her. I feel like we actually need to talk more about things but after a week apart this was too hard to resist. But we really should talk. "San..."

"Hm...?" She mumbled against my neck and the vibrating hum made my eyes roll back. Fuck. Focus Dani.

"I-I think we should really talk properly. Now that we have the time..." She obviously wasn't listening and I felt my frustration start to build until her lips made it to the curve of my neck. What was I saying? My hands curled into her hair as I felt a bruise form under her lips right in my sweet spot. It didn't matter anymore if she left a mark and honestly it felt good to not give a fuck. "Fuck..."

Her hands teased the hem of my pants for a while but I think I forgot how to breathe when they finally crossed the threshold to my skin underneath. She finished her mark and was back to attacking my lips and I've completely melted into her touch. Her hands made the familiar path down to my core and all the anticipation had me dripping wet. But of course it wasn't that easy.

"Santanaaaa..." I whined and she just chuckled as he hand rested on my bundle of nerves but didn't move. I try to grind against her hand to get the friction but she removed it completely.

"Patience, D." She smirked. This bitch. I only kissed her again, harder, hoping to work her back up to the point where she gives me what I need. It worked. I felt my entire body go weak at the circles her fingers were making. "Damn you're soaked, baby."

"Please...I need you." I was surprised she heard me with how quiet I breathed that out but she happily obliged dipping her fingers in me and bringing me to my release. When she finished she brought her fingers to her mouth like always so I can taste myself in her kisses.

We were quiet for a while, we just stared at each other, admiring being this close to one another. I felt weak, but I also felt light and free and...happy. For the first time in a week I felt completely relaxed and I don't think Santana was expecting me to collapse into her with a hug. I've needed it so badly. As great as Rachel was, hers weren't enough. I felt her arms tighten around me with the same need as me.

"I really missed you Santana." I whispered into her hair.

"I missed you too babe. I don't want to fight anymore, even though you're really sexy when you're angry." She chuckled. I smiled back and just hugged her tighter. It was as if she couldn't get close enough to me. I needed her.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I honestly didn't even realize I was crying until she was wiping the tears from my face.

"I-I don't know." I answer honestly. I didn't know what I was feeling. I was happy she was here but I was sad at the reality that existed outside of this car.

"Maybe we should go somewhere to talk. I'm sorry I should have listened when you said it earlier I shouldn't have ignored you." She was doing that cute nervous ramble thing she does and I can't help but chuckle at it. I give her a reassuring kiss before sliding off her lap and cuddling to her side.

"You're cute when you're nervous." I felt her relax at that and she slipped her arm around me. "And I enjoyed it babe, don't ever apologize for that."

"Then what's wrong?" What was wrong? Where do I start?

"A lot of things." I wanted to tell her everything but for some reason I was having a hard time saying any of it.

"Don't shut me out Dani." She said a bit frustrated and that hit me.

"You had no problem shutting me out." I snap. I know we both made mistakes but I tried and she was just so mean at school. Another side of her came out and I hated it. I missed this Santana.

"I'm sorry...I'm really sorry Dani. I'm here now." I sat up to look at her, I could see it in her eyes that she meant it but I was still scared. She is going to change at school she always does.

"But how do I know you'll stay?" I saw the hurt in her eyes when I said this but she thought about it carefully.

"I guess you'll have to trust me. If you don't, I get it and I'll make sure that I prove to you that I'm not going anywhere." I wasn't completely satisfied but I knew it was the best she could give me in this moment. It was about building that trust back and I couldn't let this be one sided. I don't trust easily and I've never opened up easily but with Santana it was always easy.

"M-My dad kicked me out that night. I've been staying at Rachel's." And I let it all spill out. I let all my tears spill out and all my feelings spill out. Everything that has built up in the past week has poured out of me and Santana took it all in. She listened to every word and wiped every tear. I trusted her in this moment, but will it stay? Will she stay?

Santana POV

It was good to see Dani back in school. I missed seeing her face every day. It was her first day back and as glad as I was to see her I was also really nervous. I promised her I was going to be here for her. That wasn't the hard part, it was embracing that in front of the whole school that was. I didn't want to see her hurt anymore and I wasn't going to let it happen. She caught my stare from down the hall and she smirked at me, biting down on her bottom lip. She's such a tease. I felt my phone go off in my hands.

Half pint: you know it's rude to stare ;)

Poms poms: can't help that my girlfriend is so hot

I see her roll her eyes at my response. I mean I could literally just walk down the hall to her but with us already eye fucking each other it might be dangerous. I wait anxiously for Dani's response as her fingers quickly push down on the phone. Suddenly, she same asshole from earlier this week shoves Dani's shoulder hard from behind, causing her phone to fly forward. Oh hell fucking no.

Dani POV

"Are you always this big of an asswipe?" Barely an hour into the day and I already hate everything. Right when I went to pick up my phone he just kicked it further away from me and laughed.

"Are you always this big of a bitch?" He spat back at me. I really just wanted to cry to be honest. I was so fucking over this.

"Fucking apologize right now!" I flinch as I heard his body slam against the lockers but my jaw actually dropped in shock when I looked to see Santana holding him up against them.

"That's cute, dykes sticking together." He chuckled but chocked when Santana pressed her arm hard against his throat.

"Listen here asshole. You can spit out all the fucking words possible to call us gay but I know it's just because you're pressed that your dick doesn't get as much pussy as we do. So back the fuck off of my girl or I WILL go all Lima Heights on your ass." She dropped him after that and simply bent down to pick up my phone to hand it to me. There isn't a lot of things that can shut me up but I was literally speechless right now. I'm also oddly turned on? I think I just saw the infamous Snix and I think I kind of like her. I felt my heartbeat pick up with her oh so familiar hand intertwined into mine and every single set of eyes in the hall was on us. "Come on babe lets get you to class."

I still couldn't form words to what was happening right now but I felt all the blood rush to my cheeks as Santana and I walked down the hallway hand in hand. I knew what she was doing. She was proving to me that I can trust her. I squeeze her hand tighter. Everything was going to be okay.

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