Part 8

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The alarm clock rings at 5:15 am, I groan and slap at it repeatedly since I'm less familiar with the buttons on the clock than I am my cell phone. I hear an echoed groan come from behind me as Prince does his best to pull me back tight against his body. "We have to get up," I wiggle my bottom against him.

"Keep doing that and I promise you I'll get up, but then we'll be late," he kisses my shoulder.

I give one more wiggle then throw back the covers, getting out of the bed as fast as I can before he can act on his promise. I wish we didn't have to fly out so early as I look at him still laying there nude. Giving him that blow job last night was equivalent to throwing gasoline onto my fire, but we do have that two hour flight home. He stays still on the bed as my eyes scan over him, only when I pick up my nightie from the floor and slip it over my head does he make any attempt to move, "I know what you want," he says teasingly as he walks past me into the bathroom. He's right, I think, but instead I make my way to the kitchen to settle for some caffeine.

On my way to the back door, I stop to check the battery on my cell phone, it's low, so I take it with me out onto the porch, that way I won't forget to charge it before we go. Prince joins me soon after I finish my coffee, he already looks put-together as he sips his tea. "I better go try to make myself look half as good as you do," I grumble.

He takes another sip of tea as his eyes rove over my nightie, "You look pretty good right now." I see my fire wasn't the only one fueled by last night's activities.

"You better stop before I'm on your lap," I threaten. He sets down his tea and pats his thigh with a smile. "You're incorrigible," I say with a laugh, again I seek refuge away from his smoldering stare by leaving the area.

I get into the bedroom to find the bed remade, and a dress I brought with me laid out. In the bathroom find all his toiletries packed, all that's left on the counter is what I need to get ready. I don't put too much effort into my makeup because he said he was going to have Kim and the photographer waiting on us today. I pack up my toiletries and gather my readied bags, placing them beside his. It's weird not having to do anything else, since the cleaning service will be coming in later, so I head back outside where I already hear him playing guitar.

"Should I bring our bags out to the car?" I ask him when he stops playing.

He shakes his head and points to my pots of flowers, "You better not forget those."

"Oh, I won't." The pick crosses the strings once and he stops, I look at him, it's obvious he has something to say, "What?"

"The flowers reminded me," he pauses, sitting straighter in the chair. "As much as I love hearing you scream my name, Sugar," he smiles, "How you yelled for me yesterday, could you please not do that again?"

I'm really not surprised, I knew from his look yesterday that it had rubbed him the wrong way. I hesitate before speaking because I don't feel like I did anything out of the ordinary, or wrong. I also don't want to come across defensive, which I know would only make matters worse. So, I make a face and feel him out, "I'm sorry, it did come out sounding a little harsh."

It's his turn to make a face, "It wasn't all that harsh, and in a home setting, like yesterday, it's really not that big of a deal, I just don't want it to become a habit. In social settings and in the public eye, I feel it's unladylike and undignified."

I kind of see his point, and I would never think about screaming at him in public. He's always been super particular his public image, and he will be about mine as well, I'm sure. "I will do my best not to embarrass you, I promise," I'm sincere, it's not a dig.

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