Part 57

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"Mrs. Nelson," I hear purred into my ear. A grin covers my face as I roll over to look at him.

"Hey," I caress his face.

"Good morning, Sugar," he leans in for a kiss. "I'll go order us some breakfast, anything special?"

"Surprise me," I play.

He smiles as he leaps out of the bed and strides out of the bedroom to call room service. Amused, I laugh quietly from the bed as I see he's only wearing purple socks. Since I am nude, I grab a nearby robe and pull it on before I go to get my coffee started.

Prince enters the penthouse's kitchen area in complete silence while I'm staring at the coffee pot. My first indication that he's there is his hands on my hips, then his lips brush across my neck. When I turn to embrace him, he's still as he was when he got out of bed, "Nice socks," I say playfully. His face changes instantly, taking on a stony look, letting me know that the socks will not be discussed. I blink a couple times at how quick his expression had changed, so I change the subject, "How long before breakfast?"

His expression softens again, "About ten minutes." He looks into my eyes, "How are you feeling this morning?"

An odd question, but I never know where his mind is at, "Happy, and excited." I don't know if this is the answer he was hoping for, but since his faces lights up at the answer, I don't question it.

"I better go get dressed before room service gets here," he says as he pulls me back in for a quick kiss. As he turns to go, I have to watch him leave. My eyes travel from his plush Afro to his slim hips, then to his little butt cheeks, but I grin when my eyes get to his socks. Prince stops in his tracks and turns just his head to look over his shoulder. I try to look innocent as I relax my face, but I know I was caught, he slowly shakes his head and continues into the bedroom.


It's 11:37 when we pull onto the tarmac in the rental car, and even though I'm excited, I'm thrown when I don't see his usual jet. A baggage handler appears and helps us with our luggage, and by the time that's on board, another man has been dropped off to collect the Cadillac. With those things out of the way, I ask about the reason for the larger aircraft. This question is answered indirectly as Prince tells me that we just have wait for the customs official before we can go. With that he produces our passports and marriage certificate from his little black carry on.

I grin, "Ah, so we're leaving the US?"

"That would be correct," he shares no more. When the customs officer arrives and leaves, we are free to go.

Now he shares more as we are belted in a distance away from each other on this strange plane. "It's over a thirteen hour flight, this plane will be more comfortable and has more amenities." I look down the expansive interior toward the back, Prince looks mischievous as he informs me, "Yes, there's a bedroom."

"Thirteen hours is a long time, I don't suppose this is just a couple day trip," I try for more info.

"Ten nights." The look he gives me lets me know that he knows my game.

"Wow, ten nights," I repeat. This will be the longest undisturbed time that we will have had together in our whole relationship so far. "That will put us back home, what, November 5?"

"Sixth, actually, with travel time. Did you have a date?" he teases.

"No, I'm spoken for," I say nonchalantly.

I see Prince's eyes glance up and I turn to see the seatbelt sign is now turned off, he unfastens his. When he comes over to undo mine, his eyes are hungry, "Damn straight you're spoken for." He pulls me from my seat and leads me to the back of the plane.


We spend most of the flight in the bedroom. We make love once, but then Prince decides we need to turn our attention to bible study. I can't help but think it's a little odd after our little sexcapade, especially since we're both still naked, except for Prince's choice of red socks today. After study, we cuddle down and doze some more since we won't be landing until well after one am.

When we land, I see some signs, "They're in French," I muse out loud.

"That's what they speak in France," he grins as we follow the baggage man with our carry ons.

"We're in France?!" I had no preference where we went, but I'm elated.

"St. Tropez to be exact."

He leads us to a blue BMW convertible. "Wow!" I say, wishing it was daylight so I could see the car better.

"When in France," he laughs, "Wait till you see our digs."

After a short drive, we arrive our temporary 'place' which embarrassingly extravagant for just two people. I'm surprised to see that the villa has not been prepared by his people, with the exception of a grand piano that had been brought in.

We decide to christen the sunken tub before falling into a content slumber until a more reasonable hour.

We wake in the late morning refreshed and invigorated, ready to roam and explore the surrounding areas as Mr. & Mrs. Prince Rogers Nelson.

~ to be continued? ~

******* Author's Note *******

With the three 'books', The Sun, The Moon and Stars, This Could B Us and this completion of Roadhouse Garden, you have traveled on a fantastical journey of my imagination.

I want to take the time to thank everyone who has read, enjoyed and shared comments with me along the way. I have never wrote anything before for public viewing and again, this is therapeutic for me to keep our sweet Prince alive in my heart and head.

Now, here's where it's about to get interesting, a very strong tree of a story has grown, and I'm torn on where the relationship between Prince and Dana is going to go. I have come to a fork in the road, and have begun writing two totally different chain of events.

It's up to you to choose which journey you want to go on, or both:

My Love is Forever


Forever in My Life

I can't wait to hear feedback on both stories.

Peace and B Wild   :-x


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