Broken Heart of the Dead

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Y/n P.o.v

Mother: *Hugs you* "I'm so proud of you Y/n, and I thought that I would've never see you again." My mother was bear hugging me and I'll be damn, she was strong.

Y/n: "Mom... can't... b-breath." She realized what she was doing and set me free. I felt like a bird that started flying for the first time. "Damn mom, is good to see you too, but that was a tight grip."

She kissed my forehead and gave me another hug. This time it was more sweet and lovingly than the last one. She let me go and she looked at my father as he also looked at her. They went to each other, they gave a peck on the lips and a hugs of long no seen.

Mother: "I've also missed you, so don't get jealous. Ok hun?" She joked.

Father: "I missed you too. And he is our son so there's no need for that." He chuckled. "He passed sweetie. He passed all his test and now, he is ready to take care on his own." She looked at me with shock and happiness and father had a proud smile.

We went to the leaving room to talk more of what we did.


Blood. BLOOD in my hands, burns in my left arm, a cut in my abdomen, and broken ribs. I was on the floor trying to stand from my wounds, reaching for sword, and looking at the man standing with a crowbar and a knife.

Flashback few hours ago

He and his gang knew where we lived, they blew the the door where I was near and I got burned on my left arm, they threw gas in our house that put us to sleep. When I woke up I was tide up and my parents no where to be seen. I got free cutting the ropes with the gauntlets. I found a sword on a wall and grabbed it. I turned around and saw a door. When I went through it, I was hit on the ribs, then was slashed with a knive in the abdomen, and kicked me away.

Flashback end

I finally got to my feet with sword in hand. I looked behind them and saw my parents, beaten like hell. That made my blood boil and I was on a battle stance.

I went straight to him and attacked him. He blocked and stumbled back because of the force I hitted him. I tried to hit me with the crowbar, but dodge and stabbed him right through his heart he fell dead instantly. I got the sword out of him. I turned to my parents and ran to them, but then doors flipped open and the gang came out. I was a few feet away from my parents, 'I have to reach them and protect them' I thought while raising my sword and letting out a battle cry.


I gasped with cold sweat and I was panting. I held my head and was fully awake now. 'Why now? Why did I have to dream that now?' I asked myself so many times. Looking outside the window, we were crossing the river and it was already daylight.

*Yawn* Rei was waking up and stretching herself making her breasts look bigger. 'Damn those could kill a man with one swing.' I thought of a joke. She looked at me with tiring eyes and a lazy smile. She was beside Takashi who was sleeping peacefully.

Rei then smirked at me. I gave her a questioning look and she just pointed to my thighs. I looked down, I just widen my eyes like an owl and my jaw almost dropped. Saeko's head was laying on my left thigh, and she was drooling like she just had the best night ever. She look so peaceful and fragile, yet she is strong, confident and has a personality of a warrior. She looks hot, pretty, and gor- 'WHAT THE HELL?! Why am I thinking like that? Is it becasue I like her?' I thought while mentally hitting my head.

I looked at Rei who was staring at her angry. I waved at her and she snapped out of it with a blush on her cheeks. 'Are you ok?' I mouthed to her. She nodded and looked away to hide her embarrassment. I looked down at Saeko again and this time she was waking up.

Highschool of the Dead x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now