The Get Away of the Dead

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Y/n P.o.v

Flashback 1 year ago.

I was on my house's back yard training with my father while my mother was inside the kitchen. I was winning against my father until he was badly hurt. I went to him to check on him, but he grabbed my arm and flipped me over his head and I landed hitting my back.

Father: "Never let your guard down and don't believe everything what the enemy is doing because he may be faking it." I got up and nodded with disappointment. He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a warm smile. "Don't worry son, it's just training and we are home, there's nothing to worry about now, and don't tell your mother about our little detour." He whispered the last part and my eyes widen remembering what happen.

Mother: "What little detour?!" She said behind us and we had wide eyes.

Father: "Ehhh nothing honey, what are you talking ab-" She grabbed his ear and started pulling it hard."OW OW OW OW HONEY THAT HU- OW!" She then looked at me with death glare. I was frighten. For the first time in my life I was more afraid than the wolves.

Mother: "Y/n, tell me what happen and what your father meant about your detour." She said sweetly yet with evil in it. My father looked at me with pleading eyes that I shouldn't tell her.

Y/n: "Ummmm I don't know what are you talking about mom." Big mistake. She grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back and started put pressure on it. I was in pain right now and I want it to end, but I don't want to die if I tell her. She was holding dad with her foot on his face on the floor. We were strong, but she was stronger. We tried to break free or move our bodies in unison to make her loose balance, but it didn't work. Then my father broke the silence and told her.

Father: "Alright alright I'll tell you." She was listening still holding us. "We went to a club and we kinda stayed there for a while and I got drunk. Y/n got me out of the club, but we were stopped by some women from the club and we ended up in their house." She widen her eyes, but dad kept talking so she can understand what happen so she doesn't kill us, especially him. "We got there and we tried to get out, but the women wouldn't let us, so we went to the room, I laid down at the bed to ease up my senses and Y/n had hold the door close so the women wouldn't bother. Then some men entered and they started banging the door very angry because of why we were with their girls and those stuff. I stood up, opened the door and started fighting them. Y/n had to join and we ended up pretty badly, but we won. We got to the place we were staying at the time and we promise not to go to a club again and not telling you." He finished very quick and looked at mother from the ground and I tried to look at her over my shoulder, but we couldn't see her reaction because her hair was covering her eyes.

I looked down at my father and he gave me a sorry look, but what happen next was totally unexpected. My mother let us go. Dad stood up and was shaking a little and I backed a little waiting for what mom would do next. She looked at dad and she gave him a punch to his face. He was bleeding from his mouth and had his surprised face. Mom was very strong that she even opened one of those doors that were made for the Titanic. 'I'm glad that it wasn't me that recieved that punch.' I had to think about it because right on cue I was met with a kick under my chin. I went flying till I landed on the wooden table of the backyard and it broke in half. That's how my mom was really strong.

I sat up and looked at my mother who had a very angry face. When she looked at my father again, he flinched and he closed his eyes ready to get hit again, but that didn't came. She just went to him wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He was in utter shock that it took exactly three seconds for him to wrapped his arms around her waist and kiss her back. It was longer than usual and I actually enjoyed the view. It wasn't because I like being a third wheel, but because I knew that she has forgiven him.

Highschool of the Dead x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now