Number 11, Ministry of Magic

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Draco had become a large part of Harry's life over the past few months. He knew so many things he had never thought he would. Like how Draco despises shoes, or how Draco really likes Muggle musicals. He learned how Draco preferred his tea and how the blond fidgeted with his hair when confused. But more than anything, Harry realized that Draco was human.

And when that realization came, it seemed to Harry as if the world had spun of its axis. His life would forever be altered because Draco was human. Draco was just like anyone else and Harry knew he had fallen in love without really meaning to. It was one of those things that just gradually happened each time they were together.

Now he could hardly look the other man in the eye because he knew if he did, he wouldn't stop. He was constantly terrified that his true feelings would be visible on his face and he couldn't let Draco know.

Draco could never know.

So Harry's anxiety returned with vigor. His breathing would stagger with every thought of Draco, and actually seeing Draco was nearly killing him. He could tell that the Slytherin noticed something was wrong. Yet there was nothing Harry could do to stop it.

And that's how it all went to ashes. Harry and Draco were having dinner at Harry's like many other nights. Draco had picked up that something was very wrong with Harry about a week or two ago, but tonight it was particularly bad. The blond man knew it was time to say something.

He sat the spoon he had been eating with into his bowl and pushed his chair back, Harry's eyes remained downcast. Draco knelt beside the other man and looked at him, still no response.

"Harry, what's wrong? What happened?" Harry did not look up or respond, "Potter, this isn't funny, what's wrong?" Draco was starting to panic and Harry still didn't move.

Then there was a mumble from Harry, "Get out."


"I said get out," Harry said increasing in volume and clenching his spoon tightly, but never meeting Draco's gaze.

"Harry, if I leave now, I'm never coming back," Draco warned, hoping for something, anything but what came.

"I SAID LEAVE!" Harry roared without glancing at the blond.

And so Draco left. No, Draco ran. He stormed through the streets with tears pouring down his face. He was upset, obviously, but more than anything he was just very worried about Harry. He wasn't himself right now, but the hurt swelling in Draco's heart could not be tame by reason.

Back at Harry's house, there was a man equally as much of a mess as Draco was right now. Harry had finally moved from where he had been sitting with his downcast eyes and moved to the door. At first he had stood, face pressed into the piece of wood trying to will the fast approaching years away, now he has turned and slid down to where his back was against the door as he cried into his hands. Of course, he would ruin this. Harry couldn't believe he was foolish enough to think for a while that everything would be just fine.

He knew better. He knew that his anxieties and issues from the war would never really leave him and that they would pop up at the worst times. But Harry had been hoping that for once, for Draco, he would be okay.

Harry had come to the point that he needed Draco. It had been three weeks since the incident and Draco had been true to his word and not step foot in Harry's house again. Not only that but at least for the first week he was absent from Doug's and was completely unreachable at work. After that first week, Harry lost hope. Harry also became a recluse.

The Boy-Who-Lived was barely living. He was not going to work and he was not going into town, in fact Harry wasn't going anywhere but downhill fast. He stayed in bed with the one exception of the bathroom. When he was feeling like food, which was rare, he would accio whatever he wanted.

Leave it to Hermione Granger to be concerned. Now, Hermione did not know who her best friend was aching for, so she did the natural thing. She asked around. She obviously asked Ron who just as obviously had no idea. Then she asked Dean and Seamus. Then she asked Neville and he told her it was Draco Malfoy, Hermione didn't believe him. So she asked a few more people. Then she asked Luna and got the same response as from Neville and Hermione was beginning to lose her mind.

So what did Hermione do? Not ask Harry himself. She sought out Draco Malfoy. Hermione found Draco leaving his job at the Ministry and decided that it was the time.

"Draco! Wait up!" The brunette woman yelled causing the Draco to halt.

He turned in his tracks and said, "May I help you, Granger?"

"Is it true? True, about you and Harry? Because multiple people told me that you're the person that has Harry all a mess and broken-hearted right now. So, is it true?"

Draco looked affronted. And then he looked incredibly upset. Then Draco looked angry. And finally, his usual, cool masked appearance returned, and he spoke, "It is his own fault."

Hermione stood there shocked and wondering if she had really seen Draco Malfoy cry as he turned away.

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