Story of my life-DEATH

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It's the same as every night, i find myself in the middle of new place , wearing the same old, frail jacket that i am now clutching tightly around my body, and military boots that do my feet more harm than good. I realise that i am standing on a beach which seems deserted. Its after so long since i have been to a beach, the only memories of this place are painful.

Its lonely here, the only sound being the crashing of waves against the rocks.
There is a familiar smell around me which i can't place as of now.
I put these thoughts aside and realise that its dark, guessing midnight as i am neither carrying a watch or my phone.

I look around hoping to figure out as to where i am. The sea is as calm as a sleeping baby with the occasional gentle crashing of the waves. The sky is covered with millions of stars with the moon shining the brightest.

Its full moon, and it seems to have a tint of red in its completeness.

I stand there admiring the view for a couple of moments then,suddenly i hear someone screaming for help.
At first i thought it was my imagination but as i look towards the sea, squinting my eyes i see a small figure flapping his arms, crying for help.

Not thinking much,i jumped into the sea desperate to save whoever it was.
As i got close to the flapping slowed down and as i got closer i saw that the figure was a 'he' and he wasn't crying for help anymore and was floating in the sea as if he was an experiened swimmer.

Since i was close i could see more of his features, he was a teenage boy maybe around 16-17 years old and not a small boy as it looked from far.

He had dark brown hair,glistening from the water droplets, and a scar the size of pen knife starting from the forehead and running down to the cheek.

But what caught my attention the most was a tattoo on his neck of two sinister looking birds with sharp beaks and three birds with full open wings in the middle.

As i took in his features i saw him smiling at me. At first it was an innocent smile but then it turned creepy and i felt as if death was looking straight into my eyes and smiling at me.

I tried to back away but he got hold of my neck and said,"you cannot escape this, you have to die".
Horrified i started scraping at his hand on my neck trying to let out a scream but his hold only got stronger and then he pushed me under the water.

Now it was me flapping my arms and legs, the air getting out of my lungs at a faster rate, and trying to get his hands away from my neck but for a teenager he had quite the strength.

i could feel my lungs burning now, the vision getting blurred, the flapping of my arms and legs reduced and then coming to a halt.
And then everything stopped.

I woke up with a start slightly out of breath and my clothes soaking wet and heard the resounding alarm squealing loudly from somewhere near and find myself in the bathroom.

I breath a sigh of relief ....Wait, thinking about what you read just now??

For that you need to know me..

I am Scarlett, the girl who DIES every day..!!
And this is my story..

Hey readers, i am new to this whole writing experience...if you like my work then vote,comment and follow up for more exciting updates..:)

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