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"I thank you for the night, and for the shoes." Ivy smiled at West, hopping west couldn't see the blotchy blush she had. 

"No problem, call me yeah?" West smiled

"Oh course." Ivy giggled opening the car door and climbing out, afraid to take her eyes off of west.

"Watch where you're stepping, the trucks taller than you think."

"oh y-yeah." Ivy stammered as she dropped out the truck "I-i'll text you later."

after that West drove off, Ivy looked at her home. Lights lite up, Dahlia on the porch a worried look on her face as she held a phone against her ear. As Ivy got closer she heard what she was saying.

"call me back ivy, if i don't get a call in the next 5 minutes i'm calling the cops." Dahlia stressed.


West sighed slamming the door of her apartment behind her. slipping another cigarette between her lips lighting it before pulling open the fridge and grabbing a beer. She couldn't get her mind of the ginger she meet on the bridge. She wasn't usually so open with people. Especially people that live next to the house she's working on.  She took a long drag holding it in the back of her throat as she flipped open her phone seeing multiple missed calls from her friend Eric talking about some stupid party that she left early.

She sighed quickly dialing the number, putting it on speaker as she got undressed.

"Where the fuck are you!" Eric screamed into the phone "all the hot girls just arrived"

"Not in the mood for a girls party, got work tomorrow." West laughed at her friend

"It's not the same without you!" Eric cried "they only hit on me cause you're around."

"Go find some girl and bump vaginas I'm going to sleep."

West hung up throwing her phone on her bed as she grabbed a beer, twisting it open and taking a sip. she flipped on the TV before dropping on her mattress, her phone buzzed beside her. she sighed setting down her beer and lifting the phone and switching it on.

ginger: hey, you told me to txt you.

West: it's 3am now i tought you would've knocked out by now.

ginger: I'm not that easy to get rid of, lol

west: ew you text like a teenager, with shit like lol

ginger: I am a teenager,

ginger: dumb dumb.

west: no need to attack me like that, and I'm sorry...lol

ginger: Lmao, you're weird but i am actually going to bed now, gn.

west: Night ginger.

ginger: that sounds like the name of an old lady in a home, night west

West couldn't help the actual smile on her face as she dropped her phone down next to her. Her stomach full of butterflies at the thought of her ginger, Ivy. She took a gulp of her beer to wash the butterflies away. Flipping open her laptop and starting her classwork. She was only here because she got accepted into NYU, for engineering. She then worked to get her work permit to be able to have an income to afford school. After an hour or so of classwork she shutdown her laptop opening the pill bottle next to the bed, downing two sleep tablets before settling down in her bed.


Ivy found herself outside in the backyard, even though it was starting to get chilly due to an upcoming storm, she didn't mind. The cold breeze was cooling down her warm body. West had made her feel warm and tingly all over, something Angelo never did. She heard the sliding door open. She tried to mask her smile as the girl that Angelo brought came and sat next to her.

"Hey, we never got to talk earlier." She smiled at her "congratulation"

"Thank you, "

"Angelo told me what happened between you guys, it's so great that you guys can be so civil after a break up."

"he told you why we broke up?" She wondered looked over at the light brunette girl.

"he said you guys grew apart."

Ivy almost scoffed at that. "that's sugar-coating it for sure. how long have you guys been together?"

"Almost a month." the girl giggled looking down at her hands in her lap. "I never thought i'd meed someone cause I'm homeschooled."

Ivy could feel the blood drain from her face. This was the girl, the girl that ended everything.

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