Wedding over

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-Year later-

(Y/n POV)

My white shiny dress with f/c flowers at the bottom was dirty, rain falls over our head, puddles splashed. I was running away from my wedding because of who I still love, I love Vanoss and I could never let him go. "Y/n get back here!" My ex shouted, I looked back just kept running. I shouldn't have looked back because I bumped into him. I fell to the floor landing on my ass. "Ow..." I whined, "Oh my god. Are you okay?!" I look up to see a man with jet black hair,dark chocolate eyes, strong chest. 'He's slowing me down. "Hello?" He said breaking me out of my thoughts holding a hand out to me and I felt a strong shock. I looked at his eyes and he looked back into mine. His eyes felt familiar but I couldn't tell where. "Y/N!" He called out again. I hid behind the stranger saying, 'Help me.' He nodded his head in response. He picked me up bridal style, walking away from my ex. He didn't even notice and kept running. "So," He starts and I look at his dark creamy eyes. "You're Y/n?" I nodded my head. "You're a babysitter aren't you?" I nodded my head again. "Do you mind if I take you to my place?" 'I swear if I get kidnapped again... but he did save me.' I nodded my reply and he smiled at me. 

-TIME SHIPPPPP I mean skip-

We made it to his mansion it was huge. "Hey?" I spoke his eyes were all on me. "I never got you're name." He had this cute giggle. "Evan." Vanoss... I thought, I missed his laugh. I almost cried but I held it in, looking away. "Are you okay?" He asked, I didn't want him to see me like this. I nodded and looked at him faking a smiling. He opened the door and set me down on his couch upright. "Thank you." I say kindly. He went upstairs for something when I heard someone. "YO EVAN!" A guy with clown makeup came out and looked at me. I waved at him, he walked down to me and shook my hand kissing my middle knuckle. Evan walked in with a shirt,shorts,pillow and a f/c blanket. I smiled as the clown walk up to him then walks away. Evan hands me the stuff and smiles bright. "Thank you." I was sleepy after all that running. Evan went the way the clown went and locked the door. 'I could change here.' I thought I made up the couch and fluffed the pillow. I began to undress touching my back down to my ass and put my dress on the couch. I sighed and put on the clothes, looking at my leg bruises. I walk to the kitchen getting a cup and put water in it. I walk out to see the boys on the other couch. I smiled and sat on my made bed. "Y/n this is Johnathan, Johnathan this is Y/n." Evan introduced us and I smiled. You wanted to see if they have a some stuff toy. "Hey John?" I ask and started blushing. He looked at me with his baby blue eyes. "Do you have a stuff animal?" He laughed it sounded familiar... "Yeah come with me." He got off the couch and walked upstairs with me following close behind. When he opened the door there was a lot of teddy bears. While he was picking which one to give you you found a hockey mask. Tears build up, you picked it up and showed Johnathan. He looked at you with shock. You spoke weakly....



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