Chapter Sixty-five

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"I don't want to leave," I whispered against Dimitri's chest as we cuddled in his bed in the early morning. The sun had only just risen, so I didn't expect anyone else was awake, yet.

Dimitri's home was my home now, and while I missed the States, I felt at peace here. It was very tempting to stay.

"Neither do I," he confessed, pulling me closer. "But we have a new adventure waiting. Together."

I nodded, nuzzling closer to my man. I knew he was speaking the truth, but part of me wanted to hide here with my Russian God and his family forever!

"Are you excited about our new allocation?" I asked. With the focus and effort that had gone into staying together, I don't think either of us had spent much time thinking about what we'd be doing in our new roles.

"You know, I am. I enjoy teaching, and I loved the freedom of our time at the compound. If it's like that, but we can live together, then it sounds ideal to me!"


"Roza – I just want to be with you. Working and living together is a dream come true for me."

I smiled. While working away from our world for five years seemed extreme, with monthly visits to Court, it might not be so bad. By the sounds of it, our roles were going to be more human based, which meant a lot more time off than most allocations. It was hard to imagine how Dimitri and I could fill whole weekends without work duties, but I was looking forward to finding out.

"Me too," I admitted.

I could barely confess this to myself, and I would never say it to Dimitri or Lissa, but a small part of me wasn't entirely unhappy to be forced away from my responsibility to her. I loved her. I'd always defend her. But being ordered away from Lissa was also a bit of a relief. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I didn't have the obligation of her welfare hanging over me.

"Do you think she'll be ok?" I asked. Dimitri needed no clue about what I was referring to. He knew how much I worried about Lissa.

"She will be," he consoled. "Celeste is an excellent Guardian, and she was very excited at the prospect of going to University with Lissa. If they allocate Meredith, too, she will have an excellent guarding team."

"But it won't be me."

"No. But maybe once our terms are served it could be? Do you want that?"

I stopped and thought about it. The obvious answer was yes, yet I struggled to say it.

"I'm not sure," I eventually confessed. "I guess I'll know closer to the time."

"Five years is a long time," Dimitri agreed. "Let's not tie ourselves down to anything so far away. We'll know what's right for us as we go along."

I murmured in acquiescence, not wanting to admit how much I liked the idea of not being tied to anything or anyone other than him. Because more than anything, I loved hearing Dimitri talk about us.

"There's still a few hours until anyone will be up," Dimitri crooned suggestively. My ribs were sore after the fights a day and a half before, but my desire won out.

"Maybe we need to claim this bed one more time?" I giggled flirtatiously.

"It might be a while before we're back here," my Russian God agreed, sensually bringing his lips to mine before rolling me onto my back, positioning himself between my thighs.

"It  might be a while before we're back here," my Russian God agreed,  sensually bringing his lips to mine before rolling me onto my back,  positioning himself between my thighs

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