Chapter 2 - BTS x Love yourself

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Be yourself: It sounds simple, but is complicated at the same time. Having doubts in our abilities, in our personality or the of what impression we leave on people can cause insecurities and the anxiety of showing our true self to other people. It might make us think about adapting our personality to others, try to be like others, to have the same opinions in order to please them. But why show something we're not? We don't need to fit in a mold, we don't need to please everybody, we don't need to be ashamed of who we are, 'cause at the end of the day the people who appreciate us for who we are genuinely are the ones we can call our friends and family. This are the people who've seen our flaws, have seen us doing mistakes and still decided to stay by our side. Just be the person you are, the person you want to be and not the person others want you to be.

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