Storm & Hale

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Lorelei Tempest was your average, run of the mill twenty-two year old. She had a nice, eco-friendly car, a decent-sized group of friends and a nice, steady job.

Or at least that's what she liked to think her life would be like, if she wasn't a Tempest.

In reality, she was a twenty-two year old with an ozone polluting, 1954 Bentley R-Type Continental, a slowly diminishing pack of colleagues and a deadly job. But that's what happens when you're part of the second-highest ranking hunting legacies in the U.S.A.

Lorelei had just finished a job that had involved a runaway Jesus freak, possessed by a demon in Detroit, when she decided to buy a new bunch of fake ID's. She might be twenty-two, but she looked like a seventeen year old. It did come in handy sometimes when she was trying to get things out of kids, but it meant that the feds gave her a hard time when she claimed to be a twenty-four year old Homeland Security agent. So, yes, she thought, definitely need more ID's.

Driving down to her usual meeting place in Iowa, she noticed a flashing sign for a 24-hour motel, called 'Brinsmead Lodge'. She knew she really shouldn't, but, she was tired. Didn't all those annoying adverts on television warn you against driving whilst tired? She thought about it for a little while, then pulled into the motel lot, parking next to a familiar looking, 1967 Chevy Impala. Smiling, she grabbed her duffle bag and hopped out of her car, patting her baby on the way past.

Walking over to the room closest to the Impala, she knocked on the door, waiting to be doused in Holy water. She stood there for about a minute before turning to face the sky. She didn't know why, but she had this thing for stars. She was so mesmerised that she didn't hear the door open, or see a tall, dark shadow slowly creep out.

"Lorelei?" A vaguely tired voice asked from behind.

After catching her breath from the fright he had caused her, Lorelei looked up and smiled at the 6'2, something-rather pounds of Winchester standing behind her.

"Long time, no see, kid." Dean drawled. "What brings you to my humble abode?"

This was how it always was between them. Dean cracking jokes about Lorelei's young looks and Lorelei responding with quips about Dean's obsessive nature towards his car. Lorelei guessed they were friends, or at least very, very high ranking acquaintances. Dean and his brother, Sam, would call her to help them exorcise a gas station attendant; Lorelei would call them to help her track down a rouge demon.

"Can I come in jackass, or not?" Lorelei had to admit though; Dean was a real ass sometimes.

Dean stepped back to let her through and wandered over to a chair near the table, cracking open a beer. Lorelei was trudging around the corner to the lounge room, when the bedroom door opened, revealing a very tired-looking Sam Winchester.

"Hey Dean, who was at the d-," Sam had started speaking, but stopped, realising that it wasn't Dean sprawled out across the couch, peering over the arm rest at him. Blushing slightly, Sam turned around to go back into the room, presumably to get the laptop that was usually attached to his hip, but not before Dean walked back into the room.

"Sammy should sit his ass down, because he could probably use some separation from his laptop". Dean said. Lorelei was having a hard time not laughing her arse off at the comment but kept her face as straight as humanly possible. Mumbling something about arsenic and apple pie, Sam left the room to get his laptop. When Sam entered again he seemed to have grown a layer of plaid as well as getting his laptop. Lorelei realised they were waiting to for her to state her business.

"So...." Lorelei started, not really knowing what she was supposed to say.

"What brings you to Iowa, Lorelei? Are you hunting something?" Sam asked, apparently over being angry at Dean.

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