Sleep Tight Storm

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                                                          Episode 4

Shortly after Lorelei hung up on Ms.Blake she got dressed and started to do her hair. She looked surprisingly gloomy today and that was exactly why she had picked the outfit she was wearing. With a lacy black skirt, striking red top, a ruby chocker and other matching accessories she looked like she had just stepped out of an gothic film clip.  A very stylish film clip, but a gothic looking film clip none the less. She would have had an elaborate hairstyle but she had gym and only about 2 and a half hour to get everything else ready to meet with Ms.Blake and read through the files she had grabbed last night.

She had just finished reading Stiles’ folder when she looked down at her phone. 6:30. She Shoved Jackson’s file into the duffle bag with her sports clothes in it and ran out to the lounge room.

“Hey Lorelei, I didn’t think you were home,” She spun around to see Sam sitting at his laptop.

“Only got home like 2 and a bit hours ago. Anyway, we need to talk,” Lorelei put on a serious face and walked over to Sam.

“What’s wrong? Did you find the werewolves?” Sam asked sitting up straight in his chair.

“Not exactly,” Sam gave Lorelei a confused look before she continued,” I think you should wake Dean up first. He should hear this too.”

Sam compliantly got up to wake Dean and Lorelei started to make herself a coffee.

“Whatever this is it better be damn good Lorelei,” Dean said entering the room in pyjama bottoms and a singlet.

Lorelei carried her coffee over to the table and sat down.

“You were right,” Lorelei said before taking a sip of her coffee.

“Of course I was rig-”

“Not you jackass. Sam. Your theory about them being the other type is right. Their no threat,” Lorelei took another sip of her coffee and waited to be bombarded with questions.

“How do you know? Was it something you saw last night?” Sam asked ignoring Dean’s comments.

“That’s only one thing. Another thing is that Loki died,” She paused for a second looking down, “His funeral is tonight.”

“I’m sorry. I know how much he meant to you,” Sam said leaning over to pat her back.

“It’s fine. I’m fine. Anyway because they pose no immediate threat I don’t see why you two have to stay here any longer. Argent’s already suspicious and you two could be doing something else,” She waited for their protests and was less then surprised when Dean started talking.

“So you just want us to leave? You want us all to leave?” Dean said gesturing to the three of them.

“No. Just you two. I’m going to stay here for a bit longer to keep an eye on things but I promise I’ll call if anything happens.”

“Were not leaving you Lorelei. If you stay, we stay,” Sam said crossing his arms over his chest.

“No. Like I said Argent already knows that you two are here and the wolves aren’t a threat.”

“Then why are you staying?”

“To keep an eye on things. Plus you two might get away with leaving for a business trip or whatever but if I just up and leave, there might be questions.”

“I really don’t like this. Do you even know who the werewolves are?”

“Yes. And they are not threats. Most of them are dead anyway.”

Storm & Hale (A Teen Wolf/Supernatural Crossover Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now