Hurcules & the Hydra

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Chapter 9, Episode 5

Hercules and the Hydra.

Lorelei sat in front of Scott and Stiles with her head against the glass.

She ran over to Scott watching the scene play out below. She hadn't even realised she'd sunk down to her knees and was dangerously leaning over the edge until Scott grabbed her to stop her toppling over the edge as well.

"Yo Scotty. Hey," She heard fingers click behind her as she was pulled out of her trance, "Yo Lorry, Scotty, you still with me?"

She turned around to see Stiles looking between the two of them.

"Yeah, sorry. What's the word?" Scott asked, scratching his head.

"Anachronism," Stiles said looking over at Scott.

"Something that exists out of its normal time," Scott still looked a bit out of it as he repeated the meaning.

"Nice, Okay Lorry. Your turn. Melancholy," Lorelei looked at Stiles for a second before replying.

"It's what you're going to be if you call me 'Lorry' one more time," Lorelei narrowed her eyes at him for a second and looked away.

"Okay, taking a note of that. Okay, next word. Incongruous," Scott frowned slightly.

"Can you use it in a sentence?"

"Yes, yes I can. It's completely incongruous that were sitting on a bus right now, on our way to some stupid cross-country meet after what just happened. Incongruous," Lorelei gave a silent chuckle at Stiles facials as he explained the word.

"Out of place, ridiculous," He turned to Stiles, "Absurd."

"Perfect," Stiles slid the screen across and looked at Lorelei, "Next word, ebullient."

"Enthusiastic, Lively. Other bullshit like that," Lorelei heard Stiles snort, and then turned to Scott.

"Okay, next word. Umm, Durach," Lorelei tensed up at the word and turned to Stiles, "Durach, it's a noun.

"We have to talk about it sometime okay and were gonna be stuck in this thing for like five hours. Why not?" Stiles shot her a desperate look, and then turned back to Scott. Obviously felling defeated, he sighed, "Next word, Intransigent."

"Stubborn, obstinate," His explanation was cut short when the bus jerked over a bump.

Pain shot all the way up Lorelei's back and side, causing her to gasp in pain. Scott followed suit, gripping at his side and grunting.

"Oh, buddy, you okay?" Stiles said glancing at Scott," And why did you gasp? Do you have some type of voodoo scratch too Lorelei?"

Scott grunted in response and Lorelei looked in the other direction.

"We shouldn't have come. I knew it, we shouldn't have come," Stiles said making Lorelei turn back to him.

"We had to. There's safety in numbers," Scott said looking out the window for a second.

"Yeah well there's also death in numbers okay? It's called a massacre," Stiles started flipping through the words again.

They went over a little bump causing Scott and Lorelei to moan in pain.

"Alright guys, I'm telling coach," He went to stand up as Scott started speaking.

"No, no, no. I'm fine."

"Me too," Lorelei said pulling her jacket closer.

"Well you don't look alright. Just let me see it," Stiles started leaning over to look at Scott's wound. Scott flinched as he got closer and covered his side with his hand.

Storm & Hale (A Teen Wolf/Supernatural Crossover Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now