Nerd Boy

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You and Jesse met during one of your lectures, he started whispering jokes about the professor in your ear to stop you from dozing off. One day you're strolling around the campus building trying to find a bathroom, until you come to the conclusion that you are lost. You're passing the boys dorms, until you glance into one of the open rooms and notice Jesse. He's laying on his bed throwing and catching a small bouncy ball, when you stop in your tracks and he notices you.

"Hey stranger!" He drags the 'ey' as he shots you a smile and you wander into his dorm room.

"What brings you to these neck of the woods?" You chuckle, as he swings his legs over the edge of the bed so you can sit next to him.

"It's a funny story actually I-" You were cut off by someone singing, as you turned your head you noticed another person in the room. They sat with their back facing you both, hitting notes effortlessly whilst singing along to whatever was blasting through their headphones.

"Benji" Jesse shouted over to him, though it was clear he couldn't hear anything over the music and his own singing.

"Benji!" He yelled louder, you watched Jesse lose his patience as he shook his head and lightly tossed the rubber ball at the back of his head.

The curly haired stranger pulled off his headphones and rubbed his head as he turned around to face you both. Immediately after making eye contact with you, his eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped slightly.

"Oh! Uh-hi-uh" He stuttered, stumbling as he turned around to face you. He knocks over a couple figures that fall off his shelves, as he bends down to fix them. That's when you notice the Star Wars shrine you were somehow oblivious to before.

"Wooow" You gasp, getting up off the bed to admire the collectibles.

Benji turns his head slightly and does a double take. Shocked by how close you are, he manages to knock down even more figures and fumbles around the ground trying to pick them up. You kneel and go to help him, as he reaches for a Vader night light and you hand it to him. His hand hovers over it and freezes, as he slowly looks up at you.

"Ha. This-this isn't my nightlight. I mean it isn't even a night light it's just like a thing for show like, just like in case the lamps break or maybe there's a power outage because that happens you know I mean it's v-" He rambles, not making eye contact as he seems nervous.

"Benji!" Jesse shouted, snapping him out of his daze as he chuckled awkwardly and glared at you.

"Oh I'm rambling again! I'm sorry I do that" He apologised, bowing his head and scratching the back of his neck as you placed the night light in his hand and patted him on shoulder. He stared back at you with a weak smile, as he resembled a deer in the headlights.

"As much as I missed you Swansong, I was actually trying to find the bathroom" You explained as you slowly rose to your feet, turning to face Jesse. He smirked slightly, perching on the end of his bed as he pulled on a pair of navy toned ankle boots.

"Ah then I must lead you to the lavatory quarters" He joked as you rolled your eyes and shoved him playfully, muttering dork under your breath. You both chuckled, as Jesse made his way to the door.

"Be back soon Benji" He nodded, as you just awkwardly nodded back in response. You smile slightly at how reserved he is, as he finally looks back at you.

"Later nerd boy" You tease, causally ruffling the curls of his hair. He immediately grins and avoids eye contact, as his cheeks flush a deep pink and you head out with Jesse.

You wander through the door, as he gives his roommate a small wink before closing it behind him. You shake your head slightly and as soon as you're out of earshot, you shove him again whilst proceeding to face him. He chuckles slightly, raising his eyebrow as you begin walking backwards.

"I saw that" You protest, as he tries his best to the hide a smirk and you shake your head again.

"Keep your nose out, okay?" You threaten, pretending to grab his nose as you turn around and walk into the girls bathroom.

"I'm gonna need that back!" He yells, referring to the metaphorical nose you stole. As you look back, you pretend to put it in your mouth as you fake chew with a grin on your face making your way to the bathroom.

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