First Dates

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AUTHORS NOTE: And we're back! I've been thinking of adding relevant songs to my chapters. What'd you think? Also to anyone who is actually reading this fic and waiting for updates and stuff like that, thank you so much! It means the world. Enjoy!

"So on a scale from 1-10 how much is Benji freaking out about tonight?" You grabbed two cans of soda from the cooler, as you hopped on the bed next to Jesse - handing him his drink. He chuckled slightly, as he tapped the top of his beverage and tugged on the ring pull.

"Let's just say he's already had numerous costume changes today" He admitted, guzzling down his drink as you shook your head and grinned to yourself.

"And which is that?" You questioned, taking a swig of your pop as you gestured your free hand to the clothes that hung from the wooden knobs of Benji's wardrobe.

"That..." He paused, as he downed the last of his drink before continuing. "Is outfit number 7" He responded as you giggled to yourself, heart fluttering slightly as you thought about all the effort he was going through to impress you. But it seemed to already be working, because you were certainly impressed.

It'd almost slipped your mind that tonight was your first official date, it was nothing too fancy, just one of those drive in movies. Tim Burton's: Corpse Bride to be precise. Though the movie was the least of your worries. You knew that you and Benji had great chemistry, you couldn't even hold yourself back from planting one on him. But this is your first time in public together and you couldn't help but overthink it.

"Nervous?" Jesse questioned as you sighed deeply, bowing your head a little as he frowned back at you. "If it makes you feel any better, Benji is slowly going out of his mind"

"Yeah Jess that makes me feel a lot better" You grinned slightly, as you glanced down at your hands. He gently rubbed your back with the palm of his hand as you continued twiddling your thumbs. "Is he usually this anxious before dates?" Your eyes darted up to look at him, as his eyebrows raised suddenly and he burst into a deep chuckle.

"Yeah, all the time" He sniggered, as he proceeded to shake his head with a wide grin. You were struggling to understand what was so funny, until he stared at you and your face dropped. Benji has never been on a date before.

"Benji's never been on a date before" You repeated out loud, still repeating it in your head as you grew worried. Not only was this your first date together but it was also his first date ever.

And right on cue, the door swung open as your favourite nerd boy wandered through the door and paused after noticing you on his roommates bed. He grinned and blinked in confusion, as he began fidgeting and struggling to formulate a sentence. You looked back at Jesse as you proceeded to hop off the bed, and smiled warmly at your date for this evening.

"I was just leaving..." You smirked widely, your feet parallel to his as you faced him. Your hand grasped his hair, gently twirling the short curls in between your fingers as his cheeks brushed scarlet. A small giggle escaped his mouth, as he bowed his head slightly; staring down at his feet and doing that adorable nose crinkle that you love so much.

"I'll see you tonight, Benji" His eyes stayed glued to his shoes, as you moved your head to meet his eye level. Slowly his chin rose and his eye line met yours as you both chuckled. You pressed your lips against his burning cheek, before caressing his face with the pad of your thumb.

"B-bye! See ya later a-alligator..." He responded, immediately regretting what he'd just said. The sides of your mouth curled up as you chuckled, pulling open the door as you heard him sigh at his own stupidity.

"In a while crocodile" You answered back, as his eyes filled with hope and surprise. You waved goodbye, before making your way back to your own dorm to get ready for your date.

You've been driving for about 15 minutes and other than the pleasantries exchanged before he entered the car, Benji hasn't said a word. I mean it wasn't like you didn't think about instigating the conversation, it just felt too awkward now. It's been silent for too long. You glanced over at the blue eyed boy, his gaze focused on the world outside the car window. Silently you sighed to yourself, picturing the same scene but in a different setting.

Remembering the star lit sky from the trip to Florida, the glow of the neon signs reflecting on his face as you felt that similar feeling again. Your eyes shifted back to the road, as you noticed a classic American diner on your route to the drive in theatre. Without much hesitation, you swerved your car and pulled into the parking lot outside the shop front. Benji snapped out of his daze as he noticed that you'd stopped, he looked over at you.

"Why'd we stop?" He questioned softly, a small sense of fear in his voice as you placed your hand on top of his knee and rubbed it gently.

"If you're gonna do a first date, you're gonna do it right" You responded, as he almost gasped at the realisation that you were aware of his big secret.

But your warm smile was enough to calm him, you exited the vehicle and wandered over to his side of the car. He stepped out as you locked the doors with a click of a button and gripped onto his sweaty palm, intertwining your fingers as you eagerly pulled him into the diner.

"But aren't we gonna miss the movie?"

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