001 // random rant ¿?

307 80 24

 At the moment, I literally hate people lol. 

Why do people think its ok to put people down and hate on them just because of their looks/race/sexuality or even their gender?

Why does it matter what your skin colour is? Why does it matter if you aren't sexually attracted to the opposite gender? 

I feel like 95% of people on earth need a huge slap in the face. (I just made that percentage up lol don't hate me)

Like wow, we have climate change going on and species going extinct but we cant really focus on that stuff because we have some annoying little fuckers who can't get past the fact that not everyone has the same colour skin as them. 


Ok that was the shortest rant I have ever done in my whole life but oh well. 

"We all bleed the same colour" 

Songs I like right now: 

Best of me - BTS 

COPYCAT - Billie Eilish 

im closing my eyes (feat. shiloh) - postu

alSO I have no friends so dm me bc im lonELLYLYLY

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