Chapter Eight: Casters and Fairies and Vamps, Oh My

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"Come on, Newb, you really going to let a girl turn you out like that?"

I stop short mid arm twist, leaving the boy beneath me to squirm while I glance up at Serge. "What does me being a girl have to do with anything? I beat up boys all the time in the ring."

Serge claps my shoulder. "You're not in Utopia anymore."

I still didn't see the point. "So?" I shrug one shoulder, whispering a quick apology to the boy when I pull a little too tight on his arm. "Utopia or not I don't see what me being a girl has anything to do with fighting. There are women as strong as men and men as weak as children. What's the big deal?"

Serge does something that surprises me. "I like you." He tells me around a quick smile and nod of his head.

"That's great, can I get up now?" The boy groaned into the blue mat beneath us.

I jumped off of his back, releasing his arm and watch as he rolls onto his back to massage the sore joints. "Can you teach me that?"

I smile, offering him my hand to help him back to his feet. He's about the same height and weight as me, with pale blue eyes and dark hair to his shoulders. "Sure." I smile and he smiles back, relieving me that there wasn't any hard feelings of him getting shown up by a girl. "Stand up straight," I direct and he quickly complies. "and when I throw my arm out to hit you, grab it and pull my wrist towards you while also twisting it slightly." I move slowly, letting him grab me and pull me in. "Good, now as you twist and pull, step to the side so that my weight is thrown forward and you twist my arm at my back while nudging the back of my knee with your so I go down face first."

I hit the mat with an "Oomph." But when I roll over, the boy looks proud of himself and I feel good about it.

"I did it." He grins to himself, sitting back on his knees. "Thanks."

"Name?" Serge snaps, making me jump because I'd forgotten he was there.

"Tam, Sir." The boy nods, raising his chin.

"Go find someone to test that on that doesn't see it coming, Tam." Serge pointed out to the other side of the gymnasium. A long brightly lit room with shiny floors, metal beamed ceilings and dozens of blue mats laid out with Newbs sparring with each other. "Malikah, come with me."

I gulp and jump up beside him, trying to think if I'd ever told him my name before.

"Yes, Sir."

He walks in a march down the long side of the gym, watching the fighters as he goes and I struggle to keep up without running. "How old are you?" He asks without turning around."

"I'm sixteen, Sir."

He stops suddenly and I smack into his back and then jump away, trying not to laugh.

He looks down at me, not looking amused. "Sixteen, huh?"


He holds out a hand. "That was a rhetorical question."

"A what?"

He places on big hand on his forehead and sighs loudly. "Ugh, Newbs." Then he lowers his hand and glances back down at me. "Look, you've got a lot to learn, and not a lot of time to do it in. From what I've seen you don't need the training in here. How would you feel about doubling up on studies instead of training? I don't want to waste your time in here trying to teach you what you already know when you're a peace maker."

I cross my arms and frown. "No, I want to train. It's fun."

"You're not here to have fun." He quirks an eyebrow. "You're here to become the best Custode you can be. Your life and the life of billions rely on you getting as much out of these six weeks in boot camp as you can."

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