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Your P.O.V

I can't believe in just 2 hours from now I will be meeting Raegan Beast I still have no idea what I'm going to wear, then as I was looking through my things I found  what I will most likely be  wearing to meet my  everything , it was a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, and black Green Day t-shirt and a red Raegan Beast hoodie and a pair of black converses.

            ~1 hour later~

You get a text from your brother Luke who will be taking you to the venue (L=Luke Y=you)

L: hey you ready to go?

Y: Almost maybe 10-15 more minutes I'm doing my hair

L: ok I'm gonna get going over there

Y: ok~

L: ok bye

Y: bye~

          ~ end of convo~

You curled your hair lightly and put it in a messy bun and Texted your brother who has still not shown up yet

Y: hey where are you I'm ready!

L: umm...I'm like 2 minutes away

Y: ok

L: bye see ya soon

Y: bye

          ~ end of convo~

You grab your bag and your phone and put your shoes on  you also grab two flower crowns cuz that's the pose you were doing with him.

Your brother shows up and knocks on the door " OPEN UP Y/N" "Luke stop I'm coming jeez" you open the door and then walk out of the door getting into your brother's black mustang and waiting for him "LUKE LETS GO DOORS OPEN IN AN HOUR!" "Ok Ok I'm coming" so your on your way to the venue which is 30 minutes away.

       ~30 minutes later~

You arrive at the venue and begin to get butterflies in your stomache your friends Nikki, Mariah, and Hannah are there already and you decide to wait with them

        ~ 30 minutes later~

The doors open and you get very nervous cuz soon Raegan will be right in front of you.....a lot of people are before you so it takes a while about 20-25 minutes till your turn then it is finally your turn you go up to him and instantly burst into tears (good tears) you couldn't believe he was right there "Hey oh don't cry come here" he pulls you into a tight hug and you hug back collecting yourself and then you start talking " hey omg I can't believe your right here in front of me ilysm!!" "Awe ilysm2 what's your name?" "It's Y/N" "that's a beautiful name" "thanks....Umm can I get a picture....well a few pictures?" "Of course!!" You hand him one flower crown while you take the other you then take the picture he is kissing your  cheek lightly and you're holding hands too... as you were about to leave he slips a piece of paper into your pocket it has his number on it.....OMG DID RAEGAN BEAST GIVE ME HIS NUMBER OMFG... after the show you went home and Texted the number

My Prince 💕😘😍 =Rae

My love 💕😍 = you

My love💕😍: hey Rae bae

My Prince 💕😘😍: hey princess.

My Prince 💕😘😍: you wanna come over?

My love 💕😍 : OMG YESSSSS

My Prince 💕😘😍: K address?

My love 💕😍 : it's ###########

My prince💕😘😍: K be there in a few Bbg

My love 💕😘 : K bb boy 💕

         ~ End of convo~


        ~10 minutes later~

My Prince 💕😘😍:  I'm here bbg

My love💕😘: ok be out in a minute Bby boy

My Prince 💕😘😍: ok

          ~end of convo~

You walk outside to see Raegan standing outside of his car looking fine AF you run and jump into his arms

" hey bbg"
"Hey Rae"


"Yea let's go"

He opens the cars door for you "thank you" "you're welcome princess" you start blushing really hard you drive to his house and blare JB (Justin Bieber) the whole way there you had a blast, you pull up in his drive way and wait there in amusement "k let's go bbg" "Ok bb boy" "I've got the place to myself for a few months" "cool same here my parents will be gone for a few months on a trip" he takes your hand and guides you in the house "WOW so this is where it all happens" "Yep"

He takes you into his room..." where's Henry?" (Henry is Raegan lil brother btw) "he went with my parents" "oh"  "so you wanna watch a movie?" "Umm...sure" "but I wanna do a house tour first" "kk" he takes you around his house for a while then back to his bedroom where u proceeded to watch Freddy V.S Jason of course you knowing Rae was a touchy person was even better he began grabbing your thigh and kissing your neck..."Mmmmm Rae"


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