party with Rae

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Your P.O.V

I can't believe Raegan asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday!

~end of P.O.V~

You look at the clock and it reads 10:30am Raegan is still asleep you go up the stairs to wake him up you run up to his room and begin kissing his face over and over again until you hear him say "Good morning baby girl" in a low groggy voice (which you found very sexy) "good morning sleepy head" "hmmm what time is it princess?" "It's 10:50am" "Oh I guess I slept in a little too long have you been up for?" "About and hour" "Oh...Ok"  You run downstairs and sit on the couch as Raegan gets out of bed and walks down the stairs he walks into the kitchen and says "bbg  what do you wanna eat?" " really doesn't matter to me bb" "ok" he makes pancakes, *10 minutes later* "BABE ITS DONE COME HERE" "kk be there in a minute" You walk into the kitchen and sit down next to Rae and start eating " so y/n my friend is having a party later tonight do you want to go?" "Yea I guess we can go what time?" "Umm...6:30pm"  "Ok" "What will we do till then?" "Idk" "a movie?" "What kind of movie?" "Umm....50 shades darker?" "I guess....just don't get any ideas mister" "I won't bbg I won't"  he puts the movie on and you watch it while cuddling ~at 4:30~ the movie is over so you decide to get ready, you shower and change into a black crop top that say "cute but psycho" and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and white converses.

Then Raegan showers and changes into a black My Chemical Romance T-shirt and black jeans and some random shoes, you fix your hair, Basically you just curled it lightly and left it you didn't wear makeup either, Raegan fixed his hair in a way that it wasn't messy but it was suppose to look messy.

Its now 4:30pm and you two are ready to go so you get into Rae's car and go, blaring Justin Bieber of course (PLAY SONG AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE STORY) You played that song over and over until you got to his friends house (which took an hour and a half) when you got there you could already hear the music blaring Rae gets out of the car and opens the car door for you and takes your hand and you walk up to the door and walk look around and Raegan finds a place to sit..."no bb boy lets dance" "Ok princess"  he gets up and grabs your hand again "but first a couple drinks"  a few drinks and  5 shots are drunk as frick and Raegan is ok he only had 2 drinks and like 3 shots...but whatever. You and Raegan start dancing you begin to grind on him and act like a are drunk hardcore drunk. "Raegan let's go home I'm feeling horrible" " ok" he sobered up and you did a little so you get home and get to sleep you just wear one of Rae's shirts and lay in bed and instantly fell asleep...Raegan slept in only his boxers, and you cuddled as you slept

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