Chapter 4

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“George, you’re sleeping in my bedroom! I’ll take the couch.” Harry said.

Well apparently Paul told me to sleep here tonight. I didn’t argue because I know that even I tell Paul, no. I’m still going to end up sleeping here. So now here I am debating with Harry. He wants me to sleep in his bed and he will sleep on his couch! Isn’t that unfair? I mean this is his apartment and I’m just a guest? But anyways for all I know, it’s unfair.

“It’s really unfair, Harry. I mean--- Urgh! You’re annoying!” I exclaimed which made Harry laughed

“How about you and me sleep in my bed?” Harry said and I was on the verge on throwing up.

“Not happening bro.” I said and Harry asked me, “SO WHERE WILL I SLEEP?!”

“In the bathroom?” I laughed and Harry rolled his eyes

“It’s funny, George. But seriously, where?” Harry asked which made me sigh.

“I guess we’ll just sleep together in your bed but whatever you’re thinking just keep it to yourself, k?” I said which made Harry rolled his eyes

“Whatever Carter.” Harry said and the only one who calls me Carter is my dad. Well I guess dad is not the only one anymore

When I lay down on my—I mean Harry’s bed. It’s so comfy and it smells like Harry. And when I was about to drift to sleep, I heard Harry called me name.

“Yeah?” I asked not turning around to him because I will see his upper body that oh well got us in a heated argument because he wants to sleep shirtless! Well as usual, I lost.

“Can I hug you?” he asked which made me turn around to face him, only to find him facing me.

“What?” I asked him with confusion

“I just want to hug you, Carter. I’m not going to do anything.” He said. Seriously? What’s with this boy?

“Promise?” I held out my left pinky which made Harry chuckle and smile

“What are you a kid?” Harry said when I didn’t respond he held out his right pinky and interlock it with mine

When Harry wraps his arm around me. I feel safe and warm. Okay wait? Safe? I’m the bodyguard here. Duh? But I feel safe. And when Harry sings one of his boy band songs, I don’t know. Made me sleep with a smile on my face.

A/N: HIIIIII! How are y’all? I know this chapter is short. I’ll make it up to you. And btw thank you to my friend, Pawy (gwynestter 28. Follow her guys and read her book, Unexpected) for the dedication. And also thank you to my friend, Justin (ImJustinnnnnn. Follow him guys and also read his stories!) for promoting my stories! That’s all! Byeeeeee

Protecting Styles // Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now