The Aftermath

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Emmett was in complete shock as the memories from the wedding came flooding through his head.

"Alison..." Emmett could hardly speak.

"Hey Em.." Alison said back with a smile

Emmett had so many questions and feelings going through him right now he didn't know what to do or say. All he knew was she left him the day of the wedding three years ago and since then he has moved on and started a new life with someone unexpected.. His thoughts were interrupted by a woman's voice in the background.

"Whos at the door babe?" asked Emma as she approached Emmett.

Alisons heart slowly broke as she heard her old best friend call the love of her life "babe."

When Emma saw who was at the floor instant tears came to her eyes and she gave Alison a hug. Alison pushed her away and started questioning them.

"Uh why did she call you babe? why did you call him babe? oh my god is that a ring?? did you guys seriously wait for me to go missing and then get married after??? What the hell is going on guys?? Why is no one answering me??" Alison was beginning to get angry..

"If you would give us a minute to talk we would explain what happened." Emmett said quickly before Alison could ask another question.

"You have 5 minutes. Make it quick." Replied Alison with anger in her voice.

"So...about a year after you left we started spending more time together and soon after we fell for each other..we didn't act on it at first because of you but time had passed and we didn't think you were coming we decided to give it a chance. We got married a year later and now...I'm pregnant..." Emma said darting her eyes back and forth from Alison to the ground.

Alison felt her heart sink into her stomach as Emma was telling her what happened. She couldn't believe that the love of her life was married to her best friend. She was getting madder and madder by the second and knew if she didn't get out of there soon something bad was going to happen.

"" Alison stuttered as she tried to keep her rage hidden.

"Alison don't be like that. You're the one who disappeared on us without a warning. We didn't plan for this to happen." Emmett said angrily.

Alison knew her rage couldn't be hidden any longer and with a flash of white her eyes turned blood red and she burst into flames, they weren't the kind of flames you normally see, instead the flames are black and red..almost as if they were coming from underground.

Emma and Emmett didn't know what to do...they were scared..quickly without thinking they shut and locked the door.

"aw that's cute if you think a door will stop me." Alison said with  hate in her voice. "I've learned a lot in the three years I was gone..dont make me show you examples because trust me, you wont like it." With that Alison vanished leaving behind a symbol burned into the grass.

Alison's hatred grew as she headed to see the man from the wedding. Once she got there she was welcomed by a dark voice..

"Back so soon?" the voice said

"Shut up Zac" Alison said as the flames were starting to die down. She began thinking to herself how messed up things were because of him. If he hadn't showed up that day then she would be the one married to Emmett and having his baby..her eyes began tearing up as they faded back to their natural blue color. As she walked down the hallway she heard a scream and ran to where it was coming from..She arrived to see...a wedding...?? She raised an eyebrow in confusion until she realized what was happening.

"ZAC STOP IT RIGHT NOW" She screamed

"Aw come on I'm just having a little fun." Zac said in a pouting voice.

The wedding she was watching was her own..the one she was supposed to have with Emmett..the one she didn't get because of Zac showing up and ruining everything. She had to turn her head as the version of her in the wedding vanished..what she hadn't saw when it actually happened was Emmett reading the note. She watched as he opened it, tears fell down his face as he read the simple goodbye she had left him. Alison couldn't watch anymore and she ran into her room and slammed the door.

A few days later she decided to go see her parents. When she got there she was hesitant to knock on the door, unsure as to what would happen. Her dad opened the door and as soon as he saw her tears fell as he hugged her. Her mother did the same. What Alison saw next was a surprise..Emmett and Emma were sitting in the living room eating lunch. She felt the anger coming back and she glared at her parents as she began to speak.

"Why are they here?!" She said louder than she had meant to.

"Because they come over for the day once a week, they have done that since you vanished." her mother replied.

"Well I wont ruin a tradition then." Alison said rolling her eyes, "I'll leave." she said as she headed for the door.

No one tried to stop her as she left. She felt heartbroken as she headed back to her home.

"Zac we need to talk." She yelled when she got home.

"Whats up?" he said as he appeared in front of her.

"I'm ready.." She said quickly

"REALLY?!?!" Zac said excitedly, "Lets go then!" He grabbed her hand and they vanished..but when they come back everything will be different..and a lot of people will get hurt.. 

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