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~Your POV~

I rub my eyes as the sun hits my face from the window. Ugh why didn't I close the curtains. I cover and face trying to block out the sun.

Opening my eyes and look around the room, remembering what happened. I touch my lips and look down to see Sabrina lying on my stomach with her arm around my waist. 

I smile, taking in all her features. She has little freckles covering her face that would usually be covered by her makeup. I smile noticing she has little soft snores. They're adorable. She has long eyelashes and her mouths slightly opened as she sleeps.

I carefully move my hand to play with her hair. Soon she wakes up scrunching her nose a little as she does. 

Without opening her eyes she hums are I play with her hair. 

"Morning." She says in a raspy morning voice. How can anyone be this perfect. "It's not polite to stare you know?" 

I laugh a little causing her to lift her head and look and me. As she looks at me I melt in her blue eyes and smile.

"You're shameless you know that? It's one thing to stare when the person isn't looking, but to continue when they are? tsk tsk (Y/M/N)." We laugh together for a few seconds. 

"Morning." I finally say. "Well good morning. Nice of you to finally speak." 

I lightly push her scoffing. "What if I were mute? Huh? You don't know me." I say in a teasing manner.

"Uh uh uh, but I do." 


"You're beautiful and funny, you like my jokes and you make my heart flutter. You flew to Sydney to see me, even though your dad said no. You're kind and loyal. You've been there for me since day one, even though we only just ment in person. Your favourite cake is caramel mud cake, and you can sing like an angel; even if its only in the shower." 

She rolls over and props herself up using her elbows. "And I happen to know from the hours of talking and singing, that you. Aren't. Mute." She says pausing to make her point. 

I lean in, her doing the same. I stop millimeters away from her lips, my heart pounding in my chest. Looking her in the eyes and after a few seconds I whisper, "Well? What are you waiting for Carpenter?" 

She smiles closing the gap and her eyes as I close mine too. It's a soft, sweet kiss, cut short as the door bursts open causing us to jump apart.


~Sabrinas POV~ 

I groan rolling over to see Sarah standing at the door. She looks up from her phone for probably the first time since barging in. 

"Oh. Hi (Y/N). I didn't know you were still here..." I look over at (Y/N) and see a blush spreading across her face. "Awwww!"

Sarah looks at me questioningly. I clear my throat. "Is there something you needed?" 

"Yeah it's time to get up and get ready." She looks between the two of us. 

I clear my throat again. "Okay thanks Sarah!" 

She turns and walks out of the room, closing the door. 

I look back over at (Y/N) and see shes still blushing. I roll on top over her and station myself between her legs, resting my chin on her stomach. 

"You're cute when you blush, you know that?" It causes her to blush more. I laugh.

I move up to her face. "You're adorable." I whisper. 

Adventure in Australia, Sabrina Carpenter and (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now