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For those of you who don't know, the week after graduating in Australia is known as schoolies. It's pretty much all the students who graduated getting together in a few places across the country to drink and party with friends.

In this case however (Y/N) and your friends has decided to go to the Sunshine coast rather than the Gold coast (where schoolies is) because your parents didn't want you to go there after all the incidents, drug use, fights and accidental deaths that have happened in the past. 

The Sunshine coast is found along the beach in the opposite direction to the Gold coast.

You will be staying in a cabin 500 metres away from the beach that is fairly basic. It has 2 bedrooms, one with a queen sized bed and the other with 2 sets of bunk beds. This leaves room for 6 people. Apart from the bedrooms theres is a kitchen located along the hall opposite the bedrooms and a small/ medium sized dining/ lounge room. And last but not least there is a bathroom. The toilet is not inside the bathroom it is in a small room next to it. 

Alright I hope this somewhat made sense and you enjoy the chapter.


~(Y/N) POV~

"Baby you have to get up. Please?" I hear someone say from besides me. 

I groan and roll over, choosing to ignore the pleas of the voice.

"Bubba please get up. Have you even finished packing?" The voice tries again as they gently shake me before rubbing my arm.

I roll over again to face the direction the voice is coming from, keeping my eyes shut.

"Baby", the voice cooes as I feel the person, whom I've determined to be Sabrina, begin to gently rub my cheek with her thumb.

I sigh, relaxing to the gesture before moving closer to her, burying my face into her chest. I drape my arm around her waist and tangle my legs with hers almost immediately, getting comfy, I rub my face into her chest, loving the soft fabric of her oversized kmart sweatshirt.

She laughs at my antics and it make butterflies erupt in my stomach and my heart swell. The things she does to me.

After a few minutes I feel her lips softly kiss my forehead as she moves my hair out of my face. 

Still tired I slightly open my eyes to look at her.

"Hiiiii," I say with a dopey smile, my voice filled with sleep.

"Hi," she says smiling back at me.

I close my eyes again, still smiling. When I open them again I meet Sabrinas vibrant blue ones. My tired smile growing.

"I love youuuuu."

"And I love you" Sabrina counters.

Tiredly and with effort I reach up and trace her cheekbone with the pad of my thumb, lifting my head slightly to give her a good morning kiss. 

Sabrina laughs at first as I initially missed my target only half kissing her lips and half kissing her chin but after bringing myself up further I kissed her gently on the lips. 

"I love you." I say again, slowly drifting off the sleep as Sabrina plays with my hair after parting.

"And I love you." She states again, a smile evident in her voice as my eyes close.

I don't know when I fell asleep of how long I was out but I slowly open my eyes again as I feel Sabrina place a kiss on my forehead and trace my eyebrow. 

Adventure in Australia, Sabrina Carpenter and (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now