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Hello there! I'm your host, Reina de Naipes, but you may call me Reina, Rei, or Phantom Shiro.

Welcome to my Harry Potter schools rp! Here, you can attend the different schools and interact with various characters (other fandoms are welcome).

And here are the rules:

1. Please don't be rude. Your character can be rude, but please don't swear at others

2. You can be any character you want really - OC or another fandom. You can also be a Harry Potter character - but only one person can be a certain character. First come, first serve basis.


4. The Lost Child is not canon in this universe.

5. You can pick whatever wand you want and whatever school you want to go to, but Harry Potter characters study at Hogwarts. You can travel to other schools though.

6. At the moment, you can either rp with me or one other person. I might open it up to groups later.

7. Romance, but no smut!

8. I'm busy, so if I don't respond, you may send one message to me to come back - though it may take me a bit. Send too many, and I'll kick you out.

More rules to be added

The code to enter is the name of the mini story about the Deathly Hallows.

Potterverse Wizarding SchoolsWhere stories live. Discover now