Love Defies Everything

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Author's p.o.v

He revved his bike engine to make his presence known to all the on lookers as if they weren't already aware of him. His eyes tore through his RayBans, with his one look he captured every detail of his college campus in his eyes; nothing interested like always. He had been away for the last two months, and being the son one of the most important trustees of the college; he really had an advantage over the rest of them. If returning from his summer holidays two months late is an advantage, then heck yeah, he was totally making use of it.

A small grin played on his lips receiving the attention from every female species present on the campus; he played it casual as usual. He didn't mind the male attention, but he didn't quite swing that way. He sat upright on his bike tensing his arms and twisting his neck, he waited for the oohs and ahhs. He unzipped his leather jacket, removing it slowly; the attention that he was attracting was burning him. He swiftly moved his legs over his bike, removing the jacket and holding it over his shoulder. He removed his RayBans, gracing the college with his perfect brown hazel orbs. A small chuckle left his perfectly shaped lips; he shook his head walking towards the college building. Prem khurana had entered the college.

"What the hell do you think you're playing at Prem?!" The Assistant head barked at him, Prem leaned against his chair mentally preparing himself for the lecture.

"It was only two months!" Prem replied casually. "Ms Ahmed emailed me all the work, I can assure you that you won't have to talk to your boss" Prem spoke sarcastically.

"Ms Ahmed is not your teacher this year Prem! You listen to me clearly, no more okay, I have had enough of your nonsense. You're a bright student, stop playing with your future." Zakir hammered the table, Prem shook his head; poor guy. "Don't look at me like that; you're not here because of your father you know. You're here because Ms Ahmed was able to convince sir that you still have a chance. Don't let her down" Zakir eyed him. "Do you hear what I'm saying, catch up or else"

"Yes boss" Prem saluted him playfully getting up from the chair. He purposely closed the door harder than he should've; Zakir will get the point.

"Heyyy man! Thank you for honouring us with your presence" Harshad put his arms out dramatically bowing every moment or so. Prem laughed grabbing a bottle from one of the kids passing by and threw it towards Harshad. "How much I've missed your beatings!" Harshad chuckled running towards him and grabbing him into a hug. Prem hugged him reluctantly,

"Don't ruin his outfit yaar, he must've spent hours in front of the mirror!" Came a voice from behind abhi..Prem turned around and threw him a look. "Heyyy, I missed you buddy!" Abhi had a cheesy smile on his face.

"WHAT?" Prem spoke irritated feeling Harshad poke his sides.

"Yaar, sexy ladies at 12 O' Clock!" Harshad brushed his hair back, licking his lips. Prem shook his head; he'll never grow up. "Yeeaaahhh baby, take my number." He took out shredded papers from his pocket and threw it towards them. The girls threw him daggers before running away. "Call me baby, what is she called again?"

"They were ogling at Prem doofus" Abhi hit his head, "Stop pretending you know their names. Desperado. Prem yaar, this one has been pecking my head for the last two months" Abhi complained, Prem leaned against the brick wall in deep thought ignoring their bickering.

"I do yaar, Maria, Fariha, naaa, ya habibi, Marianna, Arianna, whoever you are come to me baby!" Harshad hit his chest lusting after every girl that passed by. Prem shot him a look, Harshad straightened up instantly.

"What is up with you yaar?! You're too quiet, has something gotten into you?" Abhi hit his shoulder; Prem looked up at him and scrunched his nose. They both burst out laughing.

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