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"Hey Chae!" Someone said. I turned around and, it was Jisoo Eonnie.

"Annyeong Chyu Eonnie. If you're gonna ask where Lisa is, I don't know." I said and sipped on my cola.

Jisoo Eonnie, is the eldest among our group. And yeah, she just calls me if she needs something or just because she is bored. I'm already used to her. She is a freaking alien.

"Ugh, where is that Sloth?" She said and sat beside me.

"Probably.. pooping, eating Thai ramen or at the dance studio." I said scrolling on my phone.

"Aish, I'll go to her later. I'm too lazy and busy with this couch. It's so comfy~~" See? A pure alien. Or a grown woman but with a kid's heart and mind.

"K." I said and took a bite on my sandwich.

"So.. how's going with life?" She asked.

"Tragic? Yeah, tragic."

"Huh? Wae?" She asked, so I gave her that look. "Ohh, got it."

"Hey! Here you are guys!" A voice could be heard from not that far. It caused my heart to beat faster, my palms to sweat and sip on my cola again.

"NyeongAn Jendeuki!" Jisoo Eonnie said to her bestfriend.

"Yowww! Hi Chae!" She brightly said with her gummy smile that caused me to choke on my cola.

"H-Hi Jen Eonnie.. hehe."

How to fail a conversation, tutorial by Park Chaeyoung the awkward girl from YG Ent.


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