Chapter 2:Chemestry

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"Amanda can you pay attention for one second as I teach the lesson!?" Mr adis always yells at me not my fault he is boring as all hell "yea whatever most kids fall asleep in your class anyways so why can't I?" I snap as I lazily open my eyes from my nap just moments earlier, I hear snickers everywhere as Sade can barely breathe after that "amazing" joke I just told. 🙄 "fine then with that attitude I'm sure you wouldn't mind tourting your best friend Sade seeing as you are passing and sleeping yet he is failing hard Amanda" cocky basterd why would I help hat jackass "hell no I won't" he's an asshole why the fuck would I help him like no!! " If you want to pass this class you are tourting Sade until he passes 3 days a week, have fun." The nerve he has for fucks sakes I need to pass this class "fine whatever........jackass" the bell rang about five minutes later and I had to go over to Sade's house great. After last class I have to deal with him ugh. "Hey Amanda," just the person I don't want to see " text before you come over have to be.... presentable if you know what I mean." He winked nasty 🤢 and I have to help him?? In chemistry???? Great!?!?

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