Chapter 2: Serious Business

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Author's Note:

Heya! Let's go for chapter 2, shall we?

Oh, and here's my forgotten disclaimer: I own nothing but this story! All characters belong to ABC's Once Upon a Time, Lightstorm Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, and of course to the wonderful James Cameron! Reviews are much appreciated!


Parlor Suite B51-53-55:

She sighed, knowing it was no use to try and convince him to let it slide.

"I was with Rose... she heard what Mr. Hockley said, and she didn't know what to do, so I helped her out, comforted her, told her she'd be alright. Then of course I delivered her back to her room, to make sure she got there safely. Then I came straight here, I didn't mean to worry anyone...and I'm truly sorry if I did."

He smiled a sugary sweet smile, "Oh Honeybee, it's alright. I'm glad Ms. DeWitt Bukater and soon-to-be Hockley is safely back into her rooms. But do keep in mind to let anyone know next time, if I'm not there, then your mother, and hers, so that we know where you are..."

She smiled in return, all the while knowing she wouldn't be able to make an excuse tonight. "Of course...I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

He smirked deviously, and of course she already knew the answer.

She'd just hoped for some luck, but no, it wasn't in the cards for her.

"Of course there is, Honeybee. You know that..."

She nodded, and thought, 'alright time to take a piece of your own advice, Regina... it'll only get easier as time progresses...'

"Oh, of course." She then walked past him and he put an arm around her, as he directed her toward their bedroom. Closing the doors behind them.



Later that night Robin and Jack laid on top of their bunks.

"Whoa, that were some pretty ladies weren't there?" Robin stated, while hovering above Jack.

"Well, yes, but Emma's right. There's no way we'll ever get next to the likes of them. And they may be pretty, but knowing first-class people, they'd do anything to let us steerage lads know where we stand. Which is, far below them. And then, even if we would get them, which is highly unlikely, they might just go running back to the dear first-class businessmen, because we'd have nothing to offer them..."

"That's for sure, yes. They're too far out of reach, but that doesn't mean that we can't admire them, from afar, right?" Jack chuckled, "Good point. Admiring from afar it is, then."

On the morning of April 11th, they met up for breakfast with Emma, and her son Henry. He turned out to be quite a curious lad, which Emma scolded him for, but Robin and Jack didn't mind. Later that morning, they'd take him outside to play.

The 3rd class cook, Granny Lucas, was an old but nice lady.

Sometimes, as she walked around with the Swedish bread, she'd stop and talk for a few minutes. As she did today. However, their conversation was interrupted when a tall brunette, richly clothed, no doubt one of the first-class ladies, came walking into the room. Everyone looked up from their plate, and Emma eyed the brunette suspiciously. Whispering to Robin and Jack, "I've no idea what she's doing here, but clearly she wants to show how much power she holds. She could just go eat with the rest of her stuck-up type people..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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