Chapter 3: Weasleys

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Molly Weasley smiles around the table at her family. "More casserole Ron?"

"Yes, please," he says enthusiastically, pushing his plate closer to the serving dish.


"I'd love some more casserole. You've outdone yourself tonight, Molly. I don't think I'll have to eat again for at least a week."

For a few moments there is nothing but the sound of chewing and appreciative murmurs, and then Harry pushes his plate aside.

"So, I've got a job now."

The table goes silent. Molly is the first to recover her voice.

"Oh? Did you — pass the potatoes dear, thank you — did you finally take old Barleycorn up on his offer?"

Arthur looks up, interested. "You'll love it in the Ministry, Harry. It's much better than it was before — well. Before. There's been a lot of changes."

Harry coughs, coloring a bit. "I'm sure there has, Mr. Weasley, but uh, no. Not exactly." He turns to Ron. "You know how I went to see Malfoy the other day—"

Ron groans. "Mate. No. Tell me you're joking."

Harry frowns. "What? Turns out he needed a partner to help him retrieve some of the artefacts he's after, and it's exactly what I—"

"No, Harry," Ron interrupts him. "Mate. Listen to me. You hate Malfoy."

The frown lines on Harry's brow ease, but he still looks puzzled. "Well, yeah. But he's, y'know, Malfoy."

Ron drops his head to the table with a thunk. "We know, mate. Believe me — we know."

Hermione pats her boyfriend's shoulder, offering a knowing smile.

"Well," she says hopefully, "It's not like he thinks Malfoy is up to something anymore."

Ron groans again. "But that's just it. Now he knows Malfoy's up to something, only he's up to it too, and — Bloody hell, Harry. I did not sign up for this."

"Well," Hermione says lightly. "Maybe it's just the price you have to pay, being best mates with the Chosen One and all."

Harry lobs a roll at her. "Hey! I thought we talked about this. I never want to hear another word about the 'Chosen One' crap from you two."

Ron rolls his eyes. "Mate, if you manage to never again say a word about Malfoy, I'll swear on anything you like to never say the words 'Chosen One' again."

Harry frowns. "That's not fair. I can't very well never mention Malfoy when I'm working with him now."

Ron's head thunks onto the table again.

The table dissolves into laughter.

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