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“What happened?” asked the reporter

I replied “She...she was running away from home”

I was so into telling the annoying reporter how I met Cass that I hadn’t realised that there was a hefty tear rolling down my face. I rubbed it off silently.

Cass was a friend worth crying for.

“Why?” asked the reporter

“Her parents were forcing her to marry a fifty-six year old man because he was rich. But she wasn’t the legal age to get married and she hated him.

“Forced marriage” muttered the reporter.


At school I tried to look for her which was hard because no one seemed to know her. I either got laughed or sworn at.

After of what felt like eternity I gave up and asked the receptionist if she could tell me. But the lady was being so stubborn. So I had no choice but to lie

“Her mother is concerned about her. So just wants to know if Cass told you where she lives at the moment.”

The receptionist rolled her eyes and said

“Okay then, you better not be lying.” She grabbed a sheet of paper off the far end of her desk and said.

“She gave this address to me today. I was about to change it.

18F, Johes street, London, SW6 8JK. ”

She handed me over a sheet of paper with the address on it and before I could thank her the phone started ringing.

After school finished I caught the first bus to south west London. Her house was really far from over school which was in North London. After a long time I reached the place, I saw a lot of mess everywhere.

How could anyone live in such a place even Camden was better than this.

The area was packed with the homeless, thugs and tramps; the place might as well be from the medieval times! Johes road seemed to be in the centre of it all. Once I got to her door it automatically opened.

Looking down I saw a pair of male trainers. Shit! I was still in my school uniform.

I looked up and saw a simply faultless human being. Blond haired and blue eyed. I opened my mouth to speak but it just hung there.

He laughed then exclaimed.

 “You girls always knocking on the door then opening your mouths like that...It’s really gross! Can’t you close it?”

I closed it then blushed beetroot red. I couldn’t help it though he was drop dead gorgeous.   Eeek! He had a dimple. I was literally burning on the spot. I managed to stammer

“Emm... I am Cass Huston’s friend, is she in?”

And not to ruin my reputation I said something that I regret till this day.

“I already have a boyfriend...He is the best boyfriend I could dream about having. So dream on!”

He stared at me hard with those blue eyes as if he was studying me.

“Yeah? Does Cass even have friends?  That’s what they all say then when they are given a chance they are all over me.”

He winked and then walked off leaving the house door wide open.

I entered the house not knowing which one was Cass’s room. There were five bedrooms in total. The first one was painted sky blue, had a double bed pressed to the corner and there was clothes everywhere apart from where it was meant to be, the wardrobe which was wide open. I later learnt that that was James’s room.

The second room was plain It belonged to John the nerd.

Andy and Adam lived in the house for the longest so they had the biggest rooms.

The last room was Cass’s, it was the smallest room in the house, and it was even smaller than the toilet!

She had a single bed that took over the entire space in her small room. She was sitting on the bed next to the window crying. She was holding a gold ring. I climbed on the tiny bed and said

“Hey Cass! Do you remember me? I talked to you yesterday. My name is”

Cass cut me off saying

“I like your name it’s unique. It’s Stanley Jones. I am really sorry if I caused you a problem yesterday. It’s just that ...Oh forget it”

I put my hand on hers to comfort her. I knew this was effective. My parents were physiologists.

“Its fine you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to...”

She looked at me hard and after what felt like forever she said.

“I’ll tell you but you’ll have to promise never to tell anyone”

I promised. But now I’ll have to break it.

Thank you for reading, Dear my only reader. Please tell everyone about my crap story here... Ilysm! <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2014 ⏰

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