chapter two

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Art still by kupcakeScience

I climbed onto the bed and fell asleep, smilling at the fact of how kind these monsters and humans were.

I woke up and looked around, for a moment I forgot where I was, but I remember, I'm not at home, I'm at the island of the monsters, a new place for me to live. A place for be to be me. I hear a knock on the door. "Who's there!" I call. "It's Asriel, come on, we are about to start the sail race!" I get out of bed and get ready quickly, then go out side. I see Asriel waiting for me, then he runs down the hall, I follow. We soon come to the place called waterfall, he turns to make sure I'm following then continues to run, we arrive at a small dock. There are four boats, one had a circle with wings and three triangles underneath it, the whole symbol was white and the sail was purple, the boat was also purple, the next one had a Dragon-like skull, it's left eye was blue and it right was orange, there were scars, one going down its left eye to it's mouth and one going up from its right eye to the top of it's skull on it's black sail, the boat was bone white. The second last one looked like a blue diamond harpoon head on a dark red sail, the boat was pink with black (it didn't match the sail at all). The final one had a rainbow heart, suronded by eight smaller hearts, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple, the boat was black. The boat with the triangles was boarded by the the royal family, (Asgore Toriel, Asriel, and Chara) the boat with the skull was boarded by Sans, Papyrus, and a taller-than-papyrus skeleton, he wore a grey turtle neck, black pants, and a long black coat, he had two cracks on his face, one going up from his eye, and one going down from the other. The boat with the harpoon head was boarded by Undyne, a short, yellow, lizard-like monster, she wore a similar outfit to Gaster but she wore a white coat instead, and a man made of metal, I thinks it's called an automaton, he wore a pink and black coat and long back high heeled boots, on the coat was a hot pink heart. And the boat with the hearts was boarded by five humans, I sat at the beach with Candy, who didn't board the boat. "What's going on?" I asked her. "Well, every few weeks, some of the monsters hold a sail race, they basicly race there boats against each other, but I don't like the speed, so I watch out just in case someone falls out of the boat" she answered. I watched as the boats went out to the ocean and glided across the water, going at speed I didn't think possible for such small boats, then things got interesting, I saw the tall skeleton summon a large dragon-like skull, it formed halfway into the water, then it's jaw opened and shot a purple beam and pushed the boat even faster then the other boats, racing ahead of the other boats, I heard Undyne yell "Cheaters!!" then she threw one of her harpoons with a rope tied to it at skeletons' boat, it stuck, and she and the automation pulled at the boat causing it to slow down, than the human's boat shot into the front, it's sail, being wider than the others, had caught more wind, the royal boat coming in second. Then the humans boat hit some kind of invisible wall, the boat tilted sideways and dumped the humans into the sea. The boat floated upside down. Candy jumped up and hopped into a smaller boat I hadn't noticed before, the sail was plane white, I hopped in behind her, hoping I could do something to help, wan we got to the crash site, I could see what looked like a wall of blue fog, I helped Sav out of the water, then Pat, and Teg, Candy helped Justin and Avery. We sailed back to the docks. I saw that the Skeletons stayed back by the wreck, then I saw why, Sans, Papyrus, and the tall skeleton had their arms out and sunken boat was covered in a mixture of blue, orange, and purple flame-like smoke, they set the boat upright and the tall skeleton boarded it, probably to steer the boat back. When they docked, the tall skeleton looked over the boat. Once he seemed satisfied, he walked over to the humans, he asked "what happened?" There was a pause, this tall skeleton talked with some kind of accent, like English wasn't his first language, and his voice made him even more intimidating. Then Avery said, "I think we sailed into the barrier, we musta been to far out on the sea" The tall skeleton said nothing in response, instead he turned to me, now that I got a closer look at him, I could see his eye with the crack going up was pure black, and half closed, how that's possible for a skeleton, I don't know, his other eye had a small glowing white dot, just like papyrus and sans, he stuck his hand in my direction, his hand had a large hole in it's palm. I slowly took it, and we shook "Hello, I am Dr. WD. Gaster, but you can call me Dr. Gaster" he said letting go of my hand. "I'm Frisk" I replied. He then went to check on the boat again. I walked over to Candy "What's the 'Barrier'? And what happened out there?" I asked her. "The Barrier is this sort of wall that circles the island, a one way door. You can get in, but you can't get out. It's been here for hundreds of years. The monsters are stuck here because of it. Just as the legend says" Sav answered for Candy, there was a tone of anger in her voice. I looked over at Sav, she was tying the humans boat up to the dock.  She stood up and looked me in the eyes. They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, and your eye color is the same as your soul color. Her eyes were a dark, rich purple. They looked like diamonds, beautiful and ageless but hard and cold. "And I should know" Sav continued, "my grandmother helped make it, she told me stories of the old battles, how the monsters never attacked humans without a reason, but humans  attacked them almost all the time" Sav sat down, so did the rest of the humans, I joined them in there little circle "Then there was this battle my grandmother had watched, there was these two monsters, they both didn't have much knowledge in combat. The men attacked one from all sides, and after the monster fell, the other attacked, he attacked with vengeance for the fallen monster, that same monster also killed my grandfather. And my grandmother told me of how when she was making the barrier, she was being glared at by a monster, and the monster had every right to do so, she was being hypocritical, she was the green soul, the soul of kindness, and she was dooming an entire race to death, even though she didn't want to, but she had no choice. It was decided by the elders of magic. And she told me 'the monsters are out there, just sail with a dream in mind, however it may be' and I listened, I sailed out to the ocean, hoping to fix a mistake my family has caused" This has to be the longest I have heard her talk. "Is that why you came here? You wanted to fix a mistake your grandmother made?" I asked. She nodded, I tuned to Teg, who was sitting next to Sav. "How about you?" I asked them. "Well, back on the mainland I wanted to be a dancer but back then, dancing was for boys, so I danced I  secret, I made a raft and ties it to the docks. I let the raft sail out as far as the rope would let me, and I danced. But one day, while dancing on my raft, someone cut the rope, and I floated away. I ended here, and I now dance with Mettaton!" she replied. "Who's Mettaton?" I ask. "He's this lame robot that is on all tv shows here, he's also really flamboyant" Avery answered. "He's not lame! He's great!" Said Teg.  "Yeah a great pane in the glass!" Pat joked. "PAT, NO MORE PUNS!" Yelled Avery. "Anyway, what about you Pat? How'd you get here?" I interrupted the fight. "Well, I was sailing to a new island, I took my time to get there, I lost my way, I ended up here" huh, not as epic or heroic as I was hoping for, "I was trying to find this island, I wanted to help the monsters!" Candy said. "I was trying to find my girlfriend after she was missing for a year, and now I found her!" Justin wrapped am arm around Candy who started blushing. Awww. "And I as dared to do it and as an epic daredevil, I did it" Avery said as he scooted away from the couple. Wow, he ended up here, by a dare? That's not as epic as I had hoped from a daredevil. I told him so. "Yeah, but then again the kingdom of Ebott has banned sailing solo, so it's kinda epic" he replied "What about you? How'd you get here?" "I wanted to learn and explore, but as a royal, I had to act like a proper lady, and when 'mom' said I was going to wed Jax,that was the last straw, I stole a boat, and sailed to any where but there, and I ended up here!" I answered. "Children! Come along, it's trying dark out!" Toriel called. I looked up, it was indeed gating dark, I looked for stars but the sky was just a blank dark blue. I could not see the moon or stars, and when I looked to the west, I didn't see a setting sun. No stars, no moon, no sun. Wow, how did I not notice there wasn't a sun? "C'mon Frisk, let's go before Chara takes all the hot chocolate!"

A/n: i had no internet connection for a bit, but now here's the chapter! What do you think of the sail races? Do they sound fun? No? Well I like them so too bad! (JP)

Also, I'm taking a holiday break, I'll be back next year! Happy Holidays!

Sea you laters, alligators!

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