Allys birthday

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Allys POV:last night was great, except when that man showed up at the pool anyway, we watched my favourite movie. Im really excited because my birthday is in a few days, I hope a have a good birthday, at the orphanage all they do is give you a cupcake and sing the birthday song. I wonder what its like to have a party, what do you even DO at parties? I dont know, anyway, im sure ill have a great birthday. its super cold, we must of ran out of heat, im hungry. I climbed out of my warm cosy bed to get some food. Zayn was already downstairs with dad, hey, he's technically is my dad so im gonna call him that. "morning love" said Niall. "gooooodmorning" I said, I opened up the cupboard and got out the fruit loops. I sat down at the table and poured out the milk. "holy cheese look at the window!!" said Zayn, I turned to the window and saw the man I recognized but didnt remember again, I call him dr.creep, anyway he quickly ducked down as if I wouldnt see him. what an idiot. Zayn got up and walked over to the window to see what was going on. he opned it and looked around for that dude, but he was gone. 

Zayns POV: so I was just eating my cereal when Ally trotted over to the table. "morning love" said Niall, "gooooodmorning" she said, then she opened up the cupboard for the fruit loops. as she made her cereal I looked over at the window to see what the weather was like, and I saw that idiot from yesterday that wanted to gt Ally, i freaked out, "holy cheese look at the window!!" I said, he must've heard me because he quickly ducked down, I walked over to the window to find him, but he was gone. "Niall cmon we have got to tell the police about this" I said he nodded and got up and jogged up the stairs. I went up there too. after we got dressed we went in to tell everyone we were going to go to the police station. they all mumbled 'ok' and went back to watching spongebob. as we went to the station Niall turned on the radio. he rumaged through the playlist and found katy perrys 'Roar' and of course he left it on. its not that I dont like Katy Perry or anything, but Its just roar isnt her best cover. finally we got to the police station. when we walked in Niall went straight to the police window. "hey! we've got a big problem!" he said "sir, please calm down, and explain what your problem is." said the police officer. "well officer, theres this dude and he's really bothering us, yesterday he showed up at our back garden claiming that he 'owns' Ally. Ally is our daughter, she says she recognized him, but where from? anyway, this morning we caught him peeking in our window staring at us," said Niall. "ok sir, we will find him and put him in prison." he said. when we went home we saw Ally, Liam, Harry and Louis, on the floor unconsious, they were beaten up and bleeding, Ally looked especially bad, it looks like she has been stabbed in the stomach. Me & Niall went over to them to see if they were okay. "Ally!? Ally speak to me! Ally..." said Niall, I patted him on the back as he cried, then I called the hospital. -secetary picks up phone- "hello?" she said "yes, hello, this man has got my three brothers and My niece and has beaten them, they also stabbed my niece in the stomach." I said "ok sir we'll be right over with an ambulance. where is your location?" said the crackled voice from down the line, "oh im at 68 directioner street" I said "alrighty sir, we'll be right there, have a nice day." she said. how am I supposed to have a nice day!? my brothers and niece are passed out in garden cmon, thats like saying I can poop jelly beans...okay that was random, anyway I really hope they'll be ok. 

Allys POV:I was watching spongbob with the guys and we heard something being smashed, then we heard footsteps, we ignored it for about twenty minutes until we heard someone trashing around, then we got curios and went downstairs. we saw the house in bits. and on the wall in red spraypaint it was written:I found youuuu! we freaked out when we saw the guy from yesterday, he started beating up Louis and then Liam and lastly Harry. I started crying, "please just leave me alone! go away! please!" I cried. "haha you wish you worthless cow" he said. He then took out a knife and walked towards me, I had a clear idea of what he was doing, I just closed my eyes and prayed he didnt. I closed my eyes as tight as I could, I felt a sharp puncture in my stomach, and after that, I was out.

Harrys POV:the guy from yesterday started beating me and the guys up, I tried to fight back but it was no use, he was too strong. I fell on the floor and started drifting off, I tried not to though, I had to save Ally, I saw him Kicking her in the ribs. I tried to get up to save her but it was too late, I fell unconscious.

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