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Luna: Uh I can't believe Dumbledore wants me to do this. I don't even know if he likes me.

Hermione: I know right? But listen I have a plan to see if he likes you. Slughorn's making Amortentia a couple classes from now, he will make everyone say what they smell, and then Draco could say what he smells. So first, what type of perfume do you wear?

Luna: Is this..

Hermione: No it's not a joke.

Luna: Eh, fine. I wear a mixture of vanilla, chocolate, and peppermint.

Hermione: Perfect, see you in potions. *rounds corner leaving Luna at divination.*

In potions...

Professor Slughorn: Miss Granger come up here.

Hermione: *walks to cauldron of Amortentia.* Okay, I smell fresh mown grass, and new parchment. *refuses to reveal the third smell.*

Professor Slughorn: Malfoy?

Draco: I smell a new broomstick, coffee, and... vanilla, chocolate, and peppermint .

Luna: Wow. The Slytherin Prince likes me, but he doesn't know it.

Professor Slughorn: Miss Lovegood?

Luna: I smell, rain, jasmine, butterbeer, and spearmint.

Professor Slughorn: I see, well class dismissed.

*students all run out since this was the last class of the day before winter break.*


Draco: Zabini, what did you smell again?

Blaise: A mix of fruit and grass.

Draco: Do you know anything that smells remotely close to broomsticks, coffee, vanilla, chocolate, and peppermint?

Blaise: Huh, no. Well I mean the broomsticks make sense since you're the captain of the Slytherin team, and you like coffee. But the chocolate and the vanilla aren't related to anything I can think of...

Draco: Could it be a certain girl's perfume?

Blaise: No, no Slytherin girl would ever wear, chocolate, vanilla and peppermint.

*Draco leaves and goes to the library to research Amortentia*


Draco: I just came back from the library, and all I found was that Amortentia never lies. And I can smell the scent in a few of my classes, and in the most random places. Sometimes walking through certain hallways, and occasionally in the library. So what is it? That's what I intend to find out later, oh well I need to hurry if I want any breakfast.


Draco: Well, here's the morning post. *small folded piece of paper falls in his lap. Leaves Great Hall and starts walking.*

Draco: I wonder who this could be from. *unfolds slip of parchment*

Meet me in the library.


Draco: Who's L? *starts running to the library*


Draco: *walks in and is looking for a girl, most of the students were still eating breakfast, so there was barely anyone in the library, the smell from the potion was overpowering*

Luna: Oh, well I see you got my letter.

*draco slowly walks up to her and grabs a lock of her hair*

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