Not Always About the Medals

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Some people only see decorations,

Medals pinned to a jacket, 

And judge the worth of a soldier based on such.

Medals are pretty, and they mean something,

But not all the people who deserved them got one. 

My great-grandpa's best friend died

Saving two soldiers from the wreckage of a plane. 

He never got a medal,

But he was a hero all the same.

There are over two million people

Serving right now, or being trained or reserved. 

There were more than 16 million Americans alone

When my great-grandpa fought in World War Two. 

Not all of them got medals,

And not all the ones who deserved medals received them. 

Many died to save their country. 

Did they all gain medals?

Medals mean a lot,

But in the end, they're just shiny pieces of metal,

Symbols and representations.

Actions speak much louder than words.

Fighting with all one has for their country,

Giving their all for their country,

Even dying for their country;

All those actions are brave,

Some more courageous than we think we could ever be.

And not all of those actions were noticed,

Were given medals.

That doesn't mean that they didn't happen, 

Or that they didn't mean a million medals

To someone. 

To bring a loved one back home

Whom people thought was gone forever

Means an infinite amount more

Than bringing their relative and friend 

Back in a plane

Without a heartbeat,

But with a shiny medal.

When it all comes down to it, 

It's not always about the medals.

It's about the courageous hearts

They willingly pressed onward with

For their country,

For their families, 

And for us.

For the troops. ❤️ Thank you for all you do for us and our country. I'm sorry that I take everything for granted and don't always appreciate what you do/have done. Promise it won't happen from now on. 

For November 11 2017

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