Chapter 1

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Marvin POV

Marvin had always been rather small, and he had always been sensitive about it. However, as he stood in the parking lot of the college he was going to be attending for the next 4 years, he didnt remember a time where he felt smaller.

Silently cursing himself for agreeing to attend school past high school, he began to make his way across the bustling lot filled with families. He looked around him and all he saw were strangers. He looked at the schedule for the first day. Unpack was first on the list. He was looking forward to meeting his roommate as people had been telling him that your college friends stick with you. He got to his dorm building: Mitchell Hall. It was a coed building. Maybe he would meet someone. Lets not get ahead of yourself, Marv. Try and make a friend first. You see, Marvin was at a difficult part of life called trying to convince himself he's straight.

It wasnt easy, seeing as he was about as straight as Neil Patrick Harris. Marvin got to his dorm building and tried to find his room. It wasn't easy, as it was a rather large building and Marvin had never been particularly good at directions or finding his way around buildings. He remembers when he was 8 and he got lost in a hotel and his parents finally found him after an hour of him searching for them or the room or anything that he knew. 

He finally found his room and opened the door with the key--something else he's always had trouble with--and noticed that his roommate must have already been there. They claimed the bed away from the window. They chose the worse bed, whether on purpose or if they have different opinions on beds. Marvin looked around the room. It didn't look as bad as it could. He remembers a time he went on a school trip with his robotics team and had to stay in a dorm room and it looked like a prison cell. These rooms, while being small, and at this point not quite "homely" per say, they look like you can have a roommate as opposed to a cellmate. 

He flopped down on the bed that was left for him and closed his eyes for a couple of minutes. He awoke from half a slumber to the door knob turning. Marvin sprang up, brushing his pants off and attempting to smooth his hair in the split second before whoever was at the door came in. When the door finally opened, which took a rather long time, so it gave him hope that he wasn't the only one terrible at keys, a man stood in the door. He had brown hair slicked to the left with hair gel. He was tall and thin, but muscular and wow he was hot. Nope, not gay. 

I can think he's attractive without being gay, right? Yeah...of course!

The man crossed the room, extending his hand. "Hi, I'm Whizzer. I guess we'll be roommates this year...?"

Marvin smiled and took his hand. "Yeah, I guess so! Err-I'm Marvin." He said only slightly awkwardly. 

Whizzer laughs. So, Marvin. First day. Wanna go to the activities fair? Maybe, get to know each other?"

Marvin goes into panic mode. He was thinking worst-case-scenario, and suddenly his roommate is nice and (probably) not a serial killer or a jerk or a pothead or some sort of wizard, yes that did cross his mind. He may not be a wizard but he was a Whizzer. Marvin hated himself. 

Apparently Marvin had been quiet for too long. "Hey, buddy, you okay?" Whizzer asked.

This jerked Marvin out of his mind and he finally responded. "Uhh, sure!"

Whizzer smiled and Marvin returned it. Whizzer turned around and walked out of the door. Damn, his ass is nice. Again, not gay. 

Marvin followed his hopefully new friend to the activities fair, hoping that maybe college won't be that bad.


So, this is my first fanfiction. It probably will be a train-wreck, but meh. Also, I know this is short but sorryyyyyyy

Like, Comment, Vote, Whatevs. 

Also, I'm really bad at staying in the same tense so...expect possible alarming random tense changes. Also I wrote this while listening to Book of Mormon so hopefully it isn't BOMish because that's not what I'm going. Ok Imma go because I wanna watch Riverdale tonight. (Alright, I know it's a terrible show, but it's entertaining"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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