17 [What We've Become]

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Bolded words are translations. They're loose translations that I got from a website, so if you notice something's wrong, just let me know. Do any of you speak fluent Latin? I wish I did.


Wilford's POV - Time: 23:23

I needed to find Dark, wherever the bastard went... if I was a backstabbing, distrustful, weak, pitiful demon, where would I be?

Well, I know at least that he wasn't at Anti's place, thank God. Now all I needed was for Dark to hate Anti, so neither of them would try to see each other ever again. Then my wife and unborn daughter would finally be avenged.

Of course, I couldn't just ask him telepathically where he went. That would ruin my entire plan and quite possibly put me and my future in imminent dange-

Hey Dark, where are you right now? I asked.

Damn it.

Luckily, he didn't answer. He was probably asleep, knowing him.

So, I trudged on, book in hand, as I searched in a four-mile radius from Anti's house.

"He's gotta be somewhere here," I muttered to myself after a while. "I mean, it's not like he can just fly to a whole new country beca-" I scrunched my eyes closed. "Note to self: not all plans are foolproof. But that's fine," I took out my phone from my pocket, "because mine is."

"Jim, buddy! Hey, how've you been? Uh... which Jim do I have the honour of speaking to?" I was answered by... one of the Jim's. "Uh huh. Of course. Look, I need Dark's location. Yes, I'll give you a good story, but not this one. Just do it already." The Jim sounded unsure, but did as he was told anyways, and put me on hold. I waited patiently; patience is a virtue, after all.

After a bit of jabbering over on Jim's side, they finally found the location of Dark. I thanked them, and quickly hung up, intent on finding my target to finish what I started.

I saw him sleeping on a tree.

"Pathetic," I scoffed, staring at his sleeping form. I didn't want to get my clothes dirty, but I somehow had to climb up there, also holding the book in my hands-

"Oh. Where did Dark get some of his powers?" I chuckled. I raised my arms to shoulder height, and lifted my body up into the air. I laughed quietly, and opened the spell book to the correct page.

"Facere eum solvere pro quid ille fecit (Make him pay for what he did)," I murmured under my breath. "Destruere omne tenet cara (Destroy everything he holds dear)."

There was a quiet groan from Dark, and my smile grew wider. I was finally going to get my revenge for what they both did to my wife.

"Furari iis, alis, et eorum gaudium, qui ad eius vitam (Steal those wings, take their joy, take his life)." My chants got faster, my voice quieter. "Amicitias arescet, vita deficere, spes pereat, passus manet in aeternum (Friendships wither, life fade away, hope lost, suffering remains forever)."

Dark's eyes shot open, but they were glazed and unseeing. He started panting and groaning quietly, and he fell off the tree, writhing on the ground. I started laughing quietly as he screamed loudly, curling up tightly into a ball. His wings spread from his back, large pink things that were limp, twitching ever so slightly. He loved them so much... well, I loved Cassandra, so this is all fair.

My brother screamed again, in agony, and then he fell limp, unconscious. His wings turned black, and then shattered into something that looked like glass. I bent down beside him, smiling.

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