Ways To Freak A Wattpader Out

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Note** These are ways to freak people on Wattpad out. XD Do not use these if you do not want to make people believe you are a freak. I am not responsible for any enemies made by doing the following things. Thank You XD


1. Post a message on their page that says " DUDE I MISSED YOU! WE ALL THOUGHT YOU DIED! DID YOU GET ARRESTED THAT NIGHT??" (make sure its somebody you don't know)

2. Comment on a sad story "OMG That was HILARIOUS! POST MORE SOON!"

3. Never use emoticons. People get suspisious.... XD

4. Fan a radom person and then PM them saying " Luke... I am your father."

5. When somebody asks you for a bookcover, accept and then send them a blank bookcover that says I DO NOT MAKE BOOKCOVERS. :)

6. Pretend to be Justin Bieber and when somebody calls you a fake, say 'IF I WAS A FAKE, HOW COULD I KNOW SELENA GOMEZ'S PHONE NUMBER?" and send them your worst enemies phone number and say it is Selena's >:D

7.Write a story called " I am actually a criminal." And categorize it as non-fiction, Biography XD

8. In the middle of a serious converstaion, type "I like cheese, too."

9. Go to a random persons page and leave them a message that vividly describes your most embaressing moment.

10. Ask somebody if they know a good place to hide a body. XD


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