The List Goes On...

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1. Tell anyone that will listen that Justin Bieber is your secret crush (Helen thouhgt of this... Oh Helen xD)

2. Tell someone that you are a cop and they are under arrest.

3. Comment on a book "You just made a complete fool of yourself. Look what you wrote!" They will be trying to figure out what they did wrong foreverxD

4. When somebody says to you "I had a bad day." Say "Oh yeah really? Me too. My sister died and I learned that I have cancer. I have 3 months to live. What happened to you?" Leave them speechless.....

5. Preted to be 5 years old

6. Ask a random person to be your boyfriend/girlfriend

7. Be completly honest when someone askes for an opinion on their book. COMPLETLY. :)

8. Write a book about your secret love for something gross (boogers, ect.) make it seroius too xD

9. PM a person a cute story about your pet.... and then say he got hit my a truck today.

10. Virtualy punch a random person that you do not know. Like this: *PUNCHES* (Sorry for punching you!)

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