The Caped

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So it started in this flawless world. A home of bitterness and sweetness were the mystery was yet to be understood and the beginning was not certain. The ocean was a place of solitude so as I crept in with my legs feeling the coolness of the water and the wind blowing my head from south to north. Only one thing could come to my mind


I was sure that was the only way to understand freedom, to know the true meaning of peace,  to final sleep without thinking of what tomorrow will be like

"Leonard! Get out of that water,  the current is getting high"

I did not care,  for all  I know.. I wished the current could get higher. I will not be afraid for I have taken this destiny


"what the Fuck!...Leonard!"

My skin had gone pale, I could no longer feel my feet on the ground I closed my eyes. For the first time I know what it means to give away yourself to be used as a vessel.. A vessel of death

"Somebody help me!"

I didn't want to hear voices.. I wished my ears could shut just has my eyes did.. Just as my lungs did.. My mouth open.. No words


I wasn't dying because I was fed up of life. I was dying because I wanted to know what death feels like.. Where do people go when they die? Have you ever wondered.. Did you ever seat down for two hours wondering. Did you ever pick up a pen to ask the paper.. Where do people go when they die

I wonder......................

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