I Was Finally Happy...

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Liza's P.O.V.

It's been a few weeks after I've been discharged. The drama dissolved and I've stop hiding from people. Though that doesn't mean I've become more light and happy. I tried to. We had a trip to Vegas a week after I got discharged. I smiled in all the pics and people thought I was back to normal. My friends, family and David fell for it and it was better to give them the illusion so they would feel better and stop worrying about me. I started going to David's place more often, I would sit at the cliff in David's backyard wondering what would happen if I would have little Liza here.

I would sometimes tear up at my fantasies. Now here I am, sitting at the cliff looking at the buildings overlooking it while hugging ,Pookie, a stuffed animal David gave me. It was beautiful and enchanting. I smiled for once with actual pure happiness. A tear slid across my face and I scooted closer to see a better view. Then a voice told me to come closer, it said "Come closer, it's much beautiful here. All your problems will fade away." So I did what it said but it said "More, more, come closer." I came closer and BAM! I fell to the ground. The cliff was hanging over 50 feet and guaranteed a quick death.

At least, I smiled at the beautiful view. I smiled to end my pain.

David's P.O.V.

I was having a conversation with Zane, Alex and Scott. We were talking about the skits in the vlog and what to do. Then all of a sudden I hear a thud in the backyard. I came to check it and saw Pookie on the ground lying down. I was confused and I came to look around. I checked the backyard and saw Liza at the bottom with blood surrounding her. I closed my eyes and floods of tears just came and I involuntarily just dropped to my knees. Alex and the rest of the guys came rushing in to see me crying and Liza dead. They mourned with me seeing her dead but I noticed her smile. Which made me smile seeing her die in a happy way.


Hope you like this chapter and cried or felt the feels. Prolly not 'cause this is short.

Love from,


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