chapter nine

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today she sat beside me with a big smile plastered on her face.

"what do you want?" i grunted, at this her eyes widen. "did you just talk?" heiryung flabbergasted, before a restrained laugh escapes her lips. i shook my head and avoided her glance.

"anyway, besides from that, i have something to tell you." i scoff as a sign that i didn't want to listen. but she starts to say things i couldn't hear due to the loud music playing as earphones plugged on my ears.

after a good two-minute blabbering of heiryung, i finally lessen the volume, thinking she was done.

but she wasn't. for she started to say something unexpected that made my eyes flutter open. "i think i like you"

i closed my eyes and sighed.

"but i don't like you."

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