Chapter 9⃣

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Veronica POV

Today I see what's the gender of my baby ! I'm so excited it would be much better if Chris was hear we we're suppose to be a family but that's okay because Mama j going with me to the appointment she tells me it's a girl how does she know that ? Only god knows .

You ready ? Mama J said taking me out of my thoughts .

Yes I said smiling brightly showing all my pearly white teeth .

I was very nervous , I don't know why I just am something feels fishy...

Chris POV

I finally made it to Virginia , I was excited to be here I haven't been here in a year.

I pulled up in the limo to my mama house , my car was being shipped here because I flew on my private jet here it takes to long to drive here and ain't nobody got time for that .

I looked under the mat to get the spare key . Then I opened the door nobody was here well that isn't a surprise because my mama stays gone to go shopping I'll just call her .

Phone Convo

Chris : Ma , Guess what?

Mama j : What boy I'm trying to do something?

Chris : I'm homeee

Mama j : WHAT? She said yelling

Chris : That's a problem ma? Hell--

Mama j : I'll call you back son .

Then she hurried up and got the phone I wonder what's her problem ? Prolly nothing I'll just wait for her to get home...

Mama J POV

So Veronica having a baby girl and I'm happy ! I'm more excited than her .

What I'm not excited about is that Chris showed up so surprisingly when we get home it's going to be a world of trouble .

Mama you ready to go back home ? Veronica said snapping me out of my thoughts .

Yes I said fake smiling .

I hope she doesn't be mad Chris came early...

Veronica POV

Mama j is acting strange it's probably nothing were on the way to her house and she hasn't said a word . Usually she would have been talking my head off .

But right now she's quiet and she's too quiet .

You okay mama I said asking concern

Yes , dear I'm fine I'm just thinking .

Okay we'll , since we know what the baby is . Can we atleast celebrate at your house ? I asked her

Yes , that will be nice she said looking out the window she hasn't even looked me once while we have been talking .

We finally made it to her house she got out first it was like she was hesitated to go open her own door like she knew someone was in here .

I was standing so close behind her , that when she open the door I seen Chris before she did .

I couldn't get my words out I wanted to say I was shocked this is to early . I can't say I'm pregnant because I would be lying I'm actually 7month right now and I was showing more than ever .

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