Chapter 2⃣2⃣

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Veronica POV

Aubrey or may I say drake has been whopping my as for the past hour .

I've been crying so much that my eyes are sore .

Shut the fuck up bitch! He said hitting another time with this strap .

I was wondering when was Chris going to come that crazy ass manager Tia killed him just thinking about that made me cry even more barring that the fact Aubrey is beating me like a slave down here in a fucking basement , where is Kae ? Does she know about this shit?!

Drakeeee!! I heard a high pitch voice come from the outside door they sound like they were upstairs .

Don't say shit , if you do I'm going to kill your ass ! Got it ! Drake said screaming at me .

I shook my head yes , but inside my head I wanted to say fuck you . Theses rope he had tied around my hand were so tight that they were making a craving outta my wrist . I was bleeding very bad . If I lose anymore I can say goodbye to Chris and Christina I miss my babies so much .

I heard people screaming I'm assuming drake and Kae were arguing .

Drake you have Chris girlfriend up there and she's dying ?! I heard Kae yelling

You know I'm calling the police on your dumbass !! She was yelling so loud .

You not doing shit bitch !! I heard a gunshot and there was no sound of Kae , complete silence so quiet that you could hear a pin drop .

I heard the basement door open and Drake was dragging Kae deadly body don't here he had blood all on his white OVO jacket his shoes looked like shit and to be honest he looked like , how could he kill his girlfriend matter of fact who's going to keep his child once his stupid ass get caught .

I seen drake standing in front of me smiling and he was playing with the gun .

If your going to kill me go head I said lowly really I wasn't ready to die but it's going to happen anyways .

What's your last words bitch he asked .

Fuck you ' I said harsh .

He aimed the gun at me cocked his gun back and he was getting ready to fire until I heard Chris yell .

Noooo !! Please don't kill her she has my child and she needs me he was explaining .

You think I give a fuck! , he said yelling .

Now say your last words he said again .

I love you Chris , I said looking at him crying he was crying to I didn't want to die infront of my boyfriend I didn't want to die at all .


The last thing I heard before the light took over my eyes and I went into darkness was Chris saying he loves me .

It was all over and over for good .


Chris POV

Veronica!! I was screaming and crying .

Goodluck bastard Drake said then he shot him self in the head .

I passed out then and there

It was over and over for good...


Chris !! I heard someone say they were saying .

It was my mama I was confused and lost I was in a hopistal .

Where Veronica !! I looked around

Veronica ? Chris there's nobody you know or I know name by that name" .

But she got shot I passed out , Drake killed her we had a family we had a daughter name Christina and you were keeping her while I was on tour I was going to ask her to marry me . What are you talking about? " I explained .

Baby , you been in this hopistal for 2years of course your going to have fantasies , you got in a car accident she explained "

But it wasn't mama it couldn't be , I was in love with her she loved me I said crying .

Yeah I know baby , one day you'll meet her she gave me a hugged and hugged me softly .

This whole shit been a damn ride I been in this hopistal thinking I was with some lady that I don't even know she has to be real , fantasies aren't real they're stuff you think is real but it felt real I touched her I made love to her I even kissed her I felt her skin upon mines we did everything together but she's not real because if she was it wouldn't be a fantasy...


Sorry for ending it so short I'm thinking about making a sequel or something then again NO but thank you for reading my story I love you guys and Chris .

Give me some ideas on what should I write about later for the sequel .

Love , Leisa 💗

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