Part - 2

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Hey friends. Firstly I m very very sorry 😩😩 for keeping u all waiting for so long for this update.

But what to do 🙄🙄 After enjoying the Diwali holidays I have become very lazy 😴😴 Even my hubby & my son were complaining the same 😒😒

But now I need to reboot myself & I will 🏋️🏋️ (hopefully 😛😜😝)

Ok. Now enough of my blabbering.
Enjoy the update...


Not being able to digest the sudden turn of events & the drastic change in ever surrendering Khushi, Arnav did what he prefers in such situation.

Grabbing his car keys he went for a long drive to calm his raging mind & bursting nerves.

Changing the gears & increasing the speed he was driving rashly in the midnight, on the lonely roads of Delhi. But his heart & mind were completely occupied with the events occured today.

He knows that he went overboard today in anger & he did wrong by accusing Khushi for what she wasn't responsible.

But what could he do!! The condition he saw his di in - the scissor in her hands & ready to kill her own child. Even the thought of that scene is enough to send shivers down his spines & on top of that mami accusing Khushi. All these resulted into his uncontrollable blast over Khushi.

He is very much regretful for saying those heartrending things to her. Which in real he didn't meant at all & she too knows that.

How can she be the biggest mistake of his life when she is the best thing to happen to him in his entire life. Infact she has become his life.

He did wrong & he apologized for the same. Then why is she adamant on leaving him? How can he let that happen?

No, he can't. She has to live with him because now she has become the necessity of his life. He needs her besides him, more then his next breath. So no matter what it takes he will not let her go.

He will definitely stop her from leaving. But how? After the stunt she pulled, he can't even use her sister's marriage as a bait. Then what can he do? Simple. If not payal's marriage then he can use their own marriage.

She only keeps on saying about her firm belief on marriage & its vows then how can she break them? Being his wife, she has to listen to him & obey his words. He is her husband & he has all the rights on her & her life.

Yes, this is it. She won't be able to go after this. Once she stays back he will slowly & gradually show her, how important she is for him & what importance she holds in his life.

With that conviction, he turned his SUV towards his destination. His Khushi.

As he entered their room he saw her sleeping on her side of bed, covering herself with her pink duvet.

He didn't had heart to disturb her sleep. He will have to wait till morning to talk to her. To explain her, his desperation in that critical situation.

He is sure that she will understand his predicament & will drop the idea of leaving him. She has never extended any of their fights then why is she blowing this out of proportion even after he apologized?

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