Part - 6

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Hello friends!! I know u all r hell angry & upset with me for not updating any of my stories for long & this one in particular.... I got to know the amount of ur anger looking at the number of my followers which reduced from 110 to straightaway 103 & it might have lessen more until I publish this update....

I can understand ur anger but this treatment from u all really hurts... I thought that I won ur hearts with the quality of my work & not the quantity... But alas I understood its the opposite...

Guys I m a housewife, a mother, eldest daughter in my maternal side, eldest daughter in law in my inlaws side due to which I have to keep on travelling at both the places from my home for festivals, family gatherings, emergencies, all simple occasions which require my attention & presence as well.....In fact I was on a month long vacation to attend 4 important family functions & I have returned just a few days back & that's the reason I gave two back-to-back updates of EDKV before leaving for my holidays as I won't b able to update during that time... Above all my son was having his 12th board exams which he finished just before v left for the holidays.... I know, I know all these is none of ur concern still I thought to share my problems with u in a hope that u all won't leave my side....

I swear guys I was never worried for getting less followers... Beleive me if that was my concern then I would have done every possible thing to increase them.... Heck, I even know a few people here on Watty who help u to increase ur followers even if those followers don't even know what kind of stories u write or they don't even visit ur profile for once.... Its kind of give & take of followers just to increase ur numbers & I definitely don't want that but yes the sudden decrease in whatever followers I had, has left me disheartened but again its my look out....

Anyways here's the update.... Enjoy..



There he said it. A huge smile broke on his lips with a sigh of relief of finally confessing his feelings to the woman he loves madly, deeply, irrevocably.

But he didn't get the desired reaction from that same woman herself. He had expected atleast a smile of acknowledgement if not a tight hug in the current situation after listening to his confession. But all he got was shock written all over her face with eyes unbelievably widened to his confession.

Its as if she didn't know this fact at all. Or is it that she is not able to trust him even after knowing it very well throughout.

Yes TRUST. That's where he lacks. He never gave her any reason to trust him or his words. Infact evertime she trusted him he has broken it mescilessly with his harsh words & actions.

But now no more. Its high time he gains back her trust alongwith her love.

But they were not the only two to hear that confession. Khushi's Buaji & amma too came there running hearing them shout & stood rooted at the threshold of the room hearing Arnav's confession. They wanted to go in & stop him from influencing their titaliya. But somewhere they could feel the truth & pain behind his words so they left from there without getting noticed by both the figures standing in the room who needed this much needed conversation to sort out their issues to get either a mutually understood & accepted seperation or a happy reunion.

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