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billy had used all of the hot water for the fourth night in a row. it infuriated me to an extent nobody could ever understand or relate to. but i could never confront him or - more realistically - verbally abuse him for the blatent disrespectful attack on my character. he was always out in his junkbox car, probably shooting up in some alleyway or bouncing around like a complete retard on a basketball court, half naked and sweating enough to hydrate a third world country.

"sorry about it kiddo, but it looks like we're gonna have to leave early for school." i tousled my hand through max's hair and picked up my school bag. she looked up from the comic book she was reading and raised an eyebrow.

"no billy?" she asked, her voice weighed down with equal parts disappointment and tiredness. i shook my head, confirming her suspicions. but the girl was a trooper. she hopped up, put her cereal bowl in the sink, grabbed her bag and skateboard, and sat by the door. she waited patiently, flipping through her comic book.

i don't understand how he could be so careless. he's supposed to be caring for us, man of the house and all that absolute horseshit.

i slipped my shoes on and joined max at the door. she wasted no time skating down the drive. i waved in her general direction, not expecting a response or a goodbye. i grabbed my pink bicycle and furiously pedalled after her. "wait up!" the girl was fast, faster than all the boys at her school, and she never failed to mention that fact whenever she deemed it appropriate. we'd been in hawkins for a while. billy had settled in and made friends - although, he never would learn to love the town - and so had max. i was the odd one out.

all of my spare time went towards working or studying or some other selfless act. besides, the people in hawkins were cooker cutter, they didn't have the mental capacity to handle someone as...extroverted as myself. everyone but joyce byers. she was a single mother and was extremely tolerant of my incessant day dreaming. billy never let me forget that my only friend was a coworker in her fourties. then he'd go on a rant about how we 'really shouldn't be making friends yadda yadda bullshit yadda'.

the air hit my face with full force, bringing with it a rotting stench of decomposing food. lucky for us, we lived near a farm that only grew food that wasn't fit for human consumption. better yet, any eukaryotic organism's consumption. but the weather was nice, well, it was nice for about 10 minutes of our tiresome and demanding journey to our respective schools. soon enough, it started to drizzle, and, as drizzle usually does, that turned into full strength rain.


we arrived at school on time, slightly more soggy than we normally would have been, but on time. i noticed billy's car as i locked my bike up. unbelievable. i threw the lock down aggressively and stomped towards the gym. it's not like he likes it here or anything, not like he gets to selectively take care of us. i forced my entire body weight onto the door and looked in, finding him immediately. he was shirtless, mullet thick with grease and sweat and shorts pulled up high. this is it, billy. you've peaked. my sneakers squeaked against the wooden courts. he was in the middle of pushing steve harrington over when i reached him.

"hey asshole," i kicked him in the shin, "remember me? nice car you've got out there, i bet it offers reliable sanctuary during all weather conditions." i pointed to my wet clothing and hair. he smirked and towered over me.

"you seem to have gotten to school just fine. don't fucking question my actions." i scoffed and shoved him.

"cut the crap, yoda. stop acting like you know best and that max and i are stupid for 'questioning your actions'. own up to your mistakes, discount patrick swayze." i spat on his face and relished in the encouragement from his basketball buddies who were clapping. steve finally got up from the ground and dusted himself off. billy clenched his jaw and hastily wiped the spit off his face. he used his spit covered hand to grab my arm with brutal force. i let out a whimper, noticing how much taller and stronger he was, and that he had serious anger issues.

"listen here, slut. you've embarrassed me, and i don't think you want me to do that to you. we both know you'd end up either in hospital or a coffin." his hand tightened and i began to tear up. steve stood uncomfortably, biding his words and coming close to stopping him. he looked afraid, almost afraid as i was. billy finally dropped my arm, and i spotted a scratch from his nails. i was bleeding. the fucker had made me bleed. "go to class, fucking nerd." he grabbed the basketball from the ground and threw it in the basket. everyone was staring at me. the familiar ringing in my ears started and my breathing became heavy. to save myself from further humiliation, i bolted towards the doors. my face was hot and tears were stinging my tear ducts. i balled my fists and bit back a bellowing scream. a panic attack a day keeps rumours of sanity away.

"whoa, are you okay?" nancy wheeler rested her hand on my shoulder and looked deeply into my eyes. i shrugged her hand off and stormed away to my first period class. i knew that i may have burned a bridge that was not yet built, but i didn't mind in that moment. billy had this strange way of pushing my buttons enough for me to turn against everything i believe in; kindness being one of those base beliefs. however, i wouldn't classify almost breaking an arm pushing buttons. but 'billy had this strange way of abusing me enough to turn me against everything i believe in' doesn't have the same family-friendly ring to it.

my speedy pace didn't falter for the entire walk to my classroom. this resulted in more dirty looks than have ever been cast at me in my life. i was aware that i looked like a drowned, angry rodent but i didn't give a single fuck. i slammed my body into the chair and dug through my soaking backpack to find the correct damp notebook. my biology teacher raised an eyebrow and continued flipping through the pages of her tv magazine.

what a beautiful day in the US of A


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