CHAPTER 8 || lazy day

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A/N: Camila's thoughts are extremely chaotic in this, and by 'chaotic' I mean full-on ridiculous, so have fun trying to figure what the fuck this girl is trying to say. Cause even I, the author, don't know.

Anyway, enjoy!


It's not the first time Camila is wearing a bikini during her time on the show. She definitely has done that before. There have been quite a lot of beautiful days, days you had to spend swimming, drowning your insecurities and anxieties in clear blue water. Salty or not, Camila loves water. And she doesn't mind wearing bikinis. Because, again, she's worn them before. A lot. On this show. But today is different. She can't put a finger on why.

Just– right now, she's feeling self-conscious.

Now that only she, Lauren and Perrie remain... and she's constantly surrounded by two beautiful girls... okay, don't get her wrong, she's proud of herself for having made it this far – not that she's got any clue as to how she's done it – and she's certainly aware of the fact that she's pretty, too, but with Lauren here, next to her, and–

She shakes her head. It usually helps. To clear it, that is. Thoughts like these never lead to anything productive so– might as well interrupt them before they get out of hand. Especially when she looks up and sees Perrie – her butt, actually, and only that – right in front of her face.

Apparently, the woman has gotten up to take a swim in the nearby pool. Not just Camila's eyes are glued to a certain body part; several cameras are trying to get a good shot of it as well. Not that intent on being caught, Camila shakes her head again. Tears her eyes away. Blushes. Clears her throat. She's not–

What is she going to do? She's already at a point where she stares at girls' asses. Great. And it's not even Lauren. Who she's been – unhealthily, maybe – obsessed with the entire time she's been on the show. No. It's Perrie now.

Although– she's allowed to admire other people, right? Yeah. Sure. Camila shrugs and nods to herself. Grabs a magazine off of the small table next to the chair she's gotten comfortable on.

She manages to ignore how good Perrie looks swimming. Tries not to think about how, when the woman's hands glide through her own hair to make sure it still looks good every now and then, it looks incredibly sexy.

Camila also manages to ignore the fact that Lauren is the only one left in her proximity now. And that the woman is sitting really close to her. And– yeah, she ignores it.

Not for long, though.

Sooner rather than later, she looks up from whatever the hell she has been trying to read. Glances in Lauren's direction. What exactly has shebeen up to? There's not too much one can do right now, so Camila checks and it– it turns out Lauren is– is she staring? Or– or is it something else entirely that she's doing?

Maybe Camila's fantasizing has gotten oit of hand. All she knows is, fantasy or not, it's making her feel weird and–

Maybe some small talk will get her heart back to beating normally. She blurts out the first thing that's on her mind. "So I heard you were bi." The second the sentence has left her mouth she freezes. Closes the magazine. Holy hell. Why would she– and why'd she make it sound so accusing? God. A distant palm tree on the other side of the pool instantly becomes Camila's best friend. She blinks. "Um–" Can she even save herself now? Why does she always screw up– she can only hope Lauren–

–nonchalantly, distractedly says, "Yeah."

The answer should not make her feel worse. But, somehow, it does. Camila looks up at the sky. Breathes in. Out. "Okay," she finally quietly acknowledges. It's– for a second, a tiny split second, Camila thinks that it's a good thing. That Lauren's bi. That Lauren herself has confirmed she's bi. It makes her all giddy.

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