CHAPTER 6 || the talk

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A/N i'm really sorry. i wanted to post this days ago just...a lot has happened.

anyway...enjoy this chapter!! it's the best one i think and uh it'll only get worse from now on lol :') it's also preeeetty gay (aka part of why it's so good) so BE WARNED


It takes a while for Camila to convince herself to get up.

In fact, it's not her who convinces herself at all.

To her, it actually sounds like a good idea to stay in bed all day, bury herself under every blanket she can find, and hope for the ground to swallow her up. It's the best thing she can think of.

She doesn't even really know how long she's been lying here, not moving, after she woke up. It must have been hours. It's probably afternoon already. Thank God nothing important has happened today so far.

Camila would love to stay in forever, now that she thinks about it again. She groans and is about to pull the blanket over her face when she notices someone sit down at the edge of her bed. The someone doesn't say anything. Just– sits there. Silent. And she appreciates the silence. It's comforting, in a way. She's not alone with her thoughts anymore, someone's there, and she's sure it's Dinah, she's got to know her smell these past weeks. So–

"Mila," she suddenly starts, "I want to apologize for– you know. I shouldn't have said that last night. I was kidding – mostly – but I guess it was still a little over the top."

Camila slowly opens her eyes and looks at Dinah. "It's okay," she sighs, "I shouldn't have reacted like that–" she grimaces– "either. It was– I don't know why I said all that. I didn't even mean it. I– Lauren probably hates me even more now. And I can't blame her."

Dinah bites her lip. Mumbles something along the lines of, "Yeah, hate, sure," but Camila can't hear her properly, so she leaves it be. "Alright, well, we should get ready for the whole group date thing. I'm going to shower if you don't mind."

Camila doesn't, so she shakes her head and tells her roommate it's okay.

The following minutes pass with her still lying on the bed and staring blankly at the ceiling. What is she going to do? Obviously, she can't stay in during the group night. With so little girls left, it'd be noticed right away. She'd have to have a really good reason not to show up, and she doesn't. She groans again. She's not sure how she's even made it until here. Why Zayn has kept up with her when–

Oh no. God– of course, now that she's decided she needs to go out tonight, she immediately starts wondering what Lauren is going to be like. What she's going to say– what she's going to be wearing, what her makeup is going to be like.

The butterflies in her stomach– butterflies?

When did that– that feeling turn into butterflies? Is her head messing with her? Mocking her Dinah-style?

"Hey, Mila, I'm skipping the hair drying part, so the shower's all yours. I'm going over to see Perrie. She's pretty nice. Ever since Ally got kicked off, I've been talking to her. She's really got the hots for that Zayn dude." Camila sits up in time to see Dinah take her purse and grab a chocolate bar. To see her roommate turn around. Wink at her. Say, "See you in a bit!" before slamming the door shut.

"This is going to be so much fun," Camila says to nobody in particular as she walks towards the bathroom. She doesn't choose an outfit yet, she can always do that after the shower, she guesses.

So she enters the relatively hot – and very humid – room and locks the door. Nobody's here who could potentially come in, she knows this, but it's kind of like a reflex. She can't help it.

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