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(Original composition)

By: InfinityEye

She might be cold towards you

You know that is her nature

You should just endure it

Because that is for the both of you

She is distancing herself

So it would be easier

She doesn't know how

To express herself in front of others


Sometimes she smiles

Sometimes its blank

And she knew that you suffer

For enduring her pranks

She might be not joking

Maybe it is all natural

You don't have to suffer

If you truly understand


She can feel your love

But can you see her care?

She can't even show it

Because she despairs

Despairs herself because she can't

Protect you from far away


She loves you, she told me that.

If you feel like giving up

You can just hold back

Those tears from beyond

She hate seeing people cry

For it hurts her too, but don't be shy

Her cold stares, Her blunt words

Honest feed backs, On how LIFE works

Take her words seriously now

It is rare for her to express her feelings somehow


If she was a tree

You are the vines

You depend on the tree

If you will stay alive

If the tree starts to wither

You have to look for another

Climb down and choose

There are many others

But why did you stay still?

There are hopes out there

You watched as the tree went old

Until its ashes unfold


Compare her to winter

The coldness of December

Imagine you are the summer

Full of smiles and laughter

See? You are the complete opposite

Yet you chose to wait

Even if its obviously impossible

Those times and patience are memorable


Imagine you are the Rainbow

While she is the Rain

She comes first and goes away

Before you appear and children will play

Her point was life is hard

That rocks and ground

Be pounded down

Before water flows around

Take her hand and pull it

Notice she didn't move a bit

Yet look at her face right now

It is happy because you also are.


Now look here girl.

You are the leaving train

She's the tracks that awaits

Take the path without regrets

You will run through her

Hurting and its heavy

The cargo that you carry

She can also feel that burden

And as you completely pass through her

It is not yet over

A train cannot move around

Without the train tracks to guide her


To end this poetry

She has one thing to say

Even if you hurt her repeatedly

Even if you are far away

Even if she watches you from afar

Even if rain drops and stops

Even if winter is cold

Even if her mouth speaks untold

She will always be

Around and by your side.

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